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Friends of the Austin Public Library What Are Friends For? bullet Book Sale shim
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April-June 2000

President's Message

Memorials, Gifts and Donations

Board Activities

Volunteer of the Year Award

Libraries For the Future Update

We're Baaack!!!

Austin History Center African American Outreach Program

Bond Project Updates

Board Activities

We are sorry to announce that four members of the board are leaving. They are:

Robert Oram. Bob has been a mainstay of the Friends for more years than I and he can remember. Medical problems have limited his participation in the past several months and he submitted his resignation to allow for some new blood to flow. He and Virginia will remain active on the basement crew as time and health permit. We will miss them both.

Bob Zamen. Bob is currently Vice President of the board and very active in the book sale and basement crew. He is resigning effective May 31 to take over as president of the Seton Hospital volunteers. This is a big job working with over 1,000 volunteers and he will also have to organize a convention in conjunction with the hospital. He has been a strong right hand.

Robert Langguth. Robert has been with us for three years as sale chairman and board member. Prior to coming to Austin he was sale chair of the Houston Friends book sale for five years. His wife has told him that he had better attend to making money for awhile. Robert is in the process of forming a second business that will take a great deal of time and effort to get established. We wish him well.

Jackie Daniels. Jackie has been on the board for only one year, but has served on our basement crew as our resident expert on records, tapes, and CDs for two years. She is moving to North Austin and will be without adequate transportation to make the board meetings. She will continue to work with the basement crew when she can get transport.

This leaves us with several openings on the board. John Laakso has consented to form a search committee to identify and nominate a new slate of officers and board members in time for our annual meeting in May. If you would be interested in serving on the board, please contact John at (512) 338-4556 (home) or (512) 923-2759 (work).