Doyle Pendleton photo

President's Corner

Doyle Pendleton

March/April 2000

The CENTEX Chapter has a rich tradition in fulfilling its mission of advancing excellence in public service. 1999 was a particularly successful year as we hosted the first statewide ASPA conference in Austin with the theme of Public Finance and Networking in the Information Age. Alan Bojorquez, Conference Chair, and past president of CENTEX ASPA, will represent the chapter at the national conference in San Diego in April in receiving the Oveta Culp Hobby Training award for this conference.

In 1999 the CENTEX Chapter also recognized outstanding elected and professional public administrators, public administration research efforts by both students and professionals, and finally, a public administration professor of the year. These awards coincided with Public Service Recognition Week and recognition on the floor of the Texas Senate of CENTEX's leadership in elevating and recognizing outstanding pubic service. Plans for this event in 2000 are moving forward and a nomination form is included elsewhere in this issue.

Other outstanding events included mentoring mixers in which current professionals were linked up with local students from the LBJ School and SWT, and a legislative review forum in which key 1999 Texas legislative activities were reviewed. 1999 President Ryan Tiedt provided outstanding service to the chapter in 1999 and deserves a sincere well done from all CENTEX members for his leadership in all of the chapter activities during the year.

The officers and council for 2000 represent a diverse and talented group of individuals who are committed to continuing service to the CENTEX Chapter. The chapter leadership will be exploring many opportunities to continue to make the CENTEX chapter a powerful voice in public service. With the size of government shrinking, the expectations of the public increasing, and the technologies impacting the way we serve changing at the speed of light, the challenge for public servants has never been greater. Issues such as adequate compensation for professional public servants, particularly Texas state employees,and professional training opportunities make the role of the CENTEX ASPA Chapter particularly import to current and future public servants.

I am honored to serve as your president for 2000 and look forward to working with you this year. I would sincerely appreciate each member's input into how the CENTEX chapter can provide quality programs and services that enhance the professional lives of its members.

Doyle Pendleton, President


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