8 February 2002 |
Deadline for early-bird discount registration for the 63rd ASPA National Conference "Public Service -- Public Trust", in Phoenix, Arizona, and for nominations for the Paul P. Van Riper Award for Excellence and Service (see http://www.aspanet.org/awards/vanriper_call.html) which will be presented for the first time at the conference. |
22 February 2002 |
Annual General Membership Meeting and Mentoring Mixer. Time: 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Place: Vinny's, 1003 Barton Springs Road, Austin. Free snacks, cash bar, brief business meeting to elect officers and Council. Welcome members and guests, especially MPA and MPAff students: which great graduate school will have the most students, faculty and alumni present?
23-26 March 2002 |
63rd ASPA National Conference "Public Service -- Public Trust", in Phoenix, Arizona. See announcement in PA Times and online at Former CenTex Chapter President, Glen Hahn Cope, will become ASPA's President at the conference. CenTex Chapter members Steven Morgan and Bill Billingsley will be receiving major awards, and CenTex Chapter members Ken Matwiczak and Reuben Leslie will be making presentations. The deadline for individual paper and presentation proposals has passed (see announcement in PA Times and online at CenTex ASPA provides support for James W. McGrew Award Winners whose papers are accepted for presentation at the national conference. The National Council of ASPA will be conducting business at the conference site on Saturday the 23rd; contact Reuben Leslie, Jr., at rlsd@io.com, National Council Representative for Region VIII (Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah), for more information or to provide input. For a glimpse of the depth and breadth of an ASPA conference, see website of ASPA's National Conference in Newark, NJ, "NEW CENTURY * NEW CITIES * NEW CHALLENGES" and website of Virtual Conference that continued dialogue on several themes. |
Dates vary...check often |
Why keep success in government a secret? Nominations for many innovation, excellence and quality awards at the international, national, state and local levels are free. Nominations for these prestigious honors can be a free public information and staff/volunteer reward and recognition tool for successful government projects and programs. Here are a few annual opportunities: CenTex Chapter's awards (presented during Public Service Recogntion Week, the first week of May every year); Public Employees Roundtable's national Public Service Excellence Awards for government and community organization teams; ASPA national awards for public service and research; Council of State Governments Innovations Award; Exemplary State and Local (EXSL) Award, sponsored by the National Center for Public Productivity, Rutgers University; Innovations in American Government Award;
National Association of State Information Resource Executives Award; and the Quality Texas Foundation and Texas Quality Award. For more, see The Innovation Journal's online articles and links to more awards, especially the international awards. |
27 March 2002 |
Chapter Council meets, Noon - 1:00 PM, at the Texas Department of Transportation, 4000 Jackson Avenue, Building 1, first floor conference room. |
24 April 2002 |
Chapter Council meets, Noon - 1:00 PM, at the Texas Department of Transportation, 4000 Jackson Avenue, Building 1, first floor conference room. |
6-10 May 2002...and every first week of May |
Public Service Recognition Week. This special time has been celebrated the first week in May since 1985 to educate Americans about services provided by government and to show appreciation for public service. See the 2001 presidential message and Texas Governor Rick Perry's proclamation. See 2001 online award announcement and nomination form and criteria for outstanding research, public administrators and elected officials. Free materials are available nationally from Public Employees Roundtable, the national consortium or professional organizations at www.theroundtable.org, or (202) 927-4926, email to info@theroundtable.org or mail to P.O. Box 75248, Washington, D.C. 20013-5248. Public Service Recognition Week observances in Washington always include presentation by Public Employees Roundtable of the national Public Service Excellence Awards for government and community organization teams. Call 202 927-4926, email psea@theroundtable.org or mail to PER, P.O. Box 75248, Washington, D.C. 20013-5248. This year's nomination deadline has past, but start planning now to submit a nomination for 2003: say thanks to team members and recognize outstanding teamwork by nominating a project or program you know about that might win!
9 May 2002 |
Annual CenTex ASPA Public Service Recognition Awards Banquet. Location to be announced soon.
6 August 2002...and every first Tuesday in August |
National Night Out. See http://www.nationaltownwatch.org/ and the CenTex ASPA resolution in support of National Night Out at www.main.org/aspa/nno-res2.htm. |