President's Corner

Ryan Tiedt

March/April 1999

I am excited and honored to serve as president for CenTex ASPA. As one of the strongest chapters of ASPA, we have the ability to pull together our diverse membership to successfully accomplish a variety of programs and projects. The 1999 board of directors will remain committed to providing our members with opportunities to interact with local leaders, further their education, network, and provide volunteer services to the community.

The 1999 board of directors is currently working on the following programs and projects: Public Service Recognition Week, State Conference, Continuing Education Seminar, Membership Drive, and Student Leadership Forum 2000.

I would like to call on each and every one of our members to volunteer to actively work on at least one of these projects. Your participation is the key to our continued success. To find out more about these up coming projects, call me at 892-7901 or contact the board at

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