March/April 1998

President's Corner

Alan J. Bojorquez

I am both thrilled and honored to serve as the newly elected president of the CenTex Chapter of ASPA. The recent statistics from our national office indicate that this chapter is the seventh largest in the nation, which is quite an impressive ranking considering the fact that some chapters comprise an entire state, such as Arizona. Our chapter stretches from Waco through Austin across to College Station. Even more exciting than the size of our organization is the diversity of our membership. CenTex members represent all levels of government, nonprofits, and the private sector.

The demographics of CenTex offer us a unique opportunity to spread the word that an educated, professional corps of administrators serves the public's best interests. Integral to our mission is an active membership. Although our chapter is blessed with a dedicated and highly involved board of directors, we need general members to participate in our many functions and share the responsibility for securing our continued success. The 1998 board of directors remains committed to providing members with ample and diverse opportunities to network with one another, interact with local leaders, further their education and provide volunteer service to the community.

Some of the projects that are currently in the works for 1998 include the following: Public Service Recognition Week, Student Leadership Forum for high school students, Adopt-A-Highway, Continuing Education Fair, UT Football Game Concessions, and a series of General Membership Meetings.

In order to fully realize the benefits of belonging to ASPA, you must do more than simply pay your dues and browse over our wonderful periodicals. By actively participating in CenTex functions, you can broaden your professional network, expand your knowledge of the field, and contribute to your community. To find out more about joining in our efforts, give me a call at 343-7498, or contact any board member.

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Updated April 29, 1998

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