Click on titles to see abstracts and how to contact authors
In the James W. McGrew Research Award 2000 competition, the winners are...
Practitioner Category:
Going, Going, Gone: A Handbook of Practical Responses to the Texas Teacher Recruitment and Retention Problem
By Jo Wicker
Assistant Director, Personnel Services Division
Texas Association of School Boards
Student Category:
Intensive Supervision Probation: Assessing Texas Programs
By Christine McCormick
Southwest Texas State University
And the Runner-up in the Student Category is...
Distance Education Programs in Texas Community and Technical Colleges: Assessing Student Support Services in a Virtual Environment
By Cherry Beth Luedtke
Southwest Texas State University
And receiving honorable mention in the Student Category are...
An Impact Evaluation of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Performance Contract-Incentive Recoupment Program
By Sam Wilson
Southwest Texas State University
Citizen Involvement in Local Government: How Citizens Can Participate in the Decision-Making Process
By Emilie Williams
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
University of Texas at Austin
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| Posted 2 May 2000
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