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June 2009


June 3, 2003 Luncheon, We had a very poor turnout.

Ruth (Harvey) Kirkpatrick took the picture and
wouldn't include me.   John Kirkpatrick


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From the left:
Ruth (Austin)  Justus  --  Garvin Berry -- Gwen (Ward) Gilbert


Update courtesy John & Ruth Kirkpatrick

New Current Personal Events Page
(send us your pictures and local items about your life)
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[April 2009 Current Events]
[January 2009 Current Events]
[November 2008 Current Events]
[65th Reunion September 2008]
[October 2008 Current Events]
[September 2008 Current Events]
[July 2008 Current Events]
[June 2008 Current Events]
[March 2008 Current Events]
[November 2007 Current Events]
[August 2007 Current Events]
[July 2007 Current Events]
[June 2007 Current Events]
[April 2007 Current Events]
[March 2007 Current Events]
[February 2007 Current Events]
[January 2007 Current Events]

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Click Here for Past Current Events

Thank you Riley Foyil for
past service to the Class of '43 website.
Joe C. Ashlock


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If you have any ideas or pictures for our web page
you may also contact at their home address or by email
John & Ruth Kirkpatrick
30622 S. Lakeside Drive
Monkey Island, OK   74331-8009



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