April 2009
Pictures from the April 1, 2009 luncheon
at Luby's taken by John Kirkpatrick
Bob Todd, Bob Hensley, Virgie Bittle Tucker,
and Gwen Ward Gilbert
Margie Hanks Todd, Adele Borne Spencer,
and Ruth Harvey Kirkpatrick
Bob Todd, Bob Hensley, Virgie Bittle Tucker,
Gwen Ward Gilbert, Margie Hanks,
Adele Borne Spenser, & Ruth Harvey Kirkpatrick
This picture of the ladies was taken a few
days later
when they went to lunch while Adele was in town
Adele Borne Spenser, Ruth Harvey Kirkpatrick,
Jean Redden Paul, & Betty Ann Early Looney
Update courtesy John & Ruth Kirkpatrick
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Joe C. Ashlock
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If you have any ideas or pictures for our web page
you may also contact at their home address or by email
John & Ruth Kirkpatrick
30622 S. Lakeside Drive
Monkey Island, OK 74331-8009