Speakers & Events
What is Rotary?
What We Do
Meeting Attendance

Speakers and Events

Meeting is usually Tuesday - 12:00pm-1:00pm
Confirm Date and location on calendar below.

Meeting Location:

Housing Authority of the City of Austin
1124 S Interstate 35 Frontage Rd.
Austin, TX 78704
Map to the Meeting

Driving directions
: When driving south on IH 35. Exit at Riverside Drive. Get in right lane on the West IH35 frontage road. Drive through the traffic light at E. Riverside Drive. Go slowly and turn right at the second driveway, only about a half block from Riverside Drive.

The sign displays the address 1124. Continue up the long driveway and at the fork in the driveway veer to the left. There are visitor parking places along the chain fence. The lobby to the building is on your right. If for some reason you miss the second driveway, you have one more opportunity to enter the property. Follow the frontage road (all you will see on the right are trees). About a block further there is a road. Turn right, go up the hill, turn right again and drive through the parking garage. Turn to left after going through parking garage and you will be at the same place as above. The lobby will be on your left with visitor parking along the fence.

Once you have passed this test and parked, go into the lobby, ask one of the nice ladies at the counter to direct you to the Rotary Club meeting.

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