Neighborhood Association

Join the Northwood Neighborhood Email Distribution List

Northwood also has an email distribution list. To subscribe to the neighborhood emailing list and receive emails from the Neighborhood Association, send an email to

Join the Northwood Neighborhood Yahoo Group

"NorthwoodAustin" is a moderated Yahoo Group intended for discussion and announcements of interest and events to residents of Northwood. The group is also used for public announcements of the Northwood Homeowners' Association (NHA). The discussion group is the best place to keep informed about events and issues within our neighborhood.

You do not need to be an Association member to join the Yahoo Group, but membership is restricted to residents of the Northwood Neighborhood.

Membership in the group is free, and only requires a Yahoo ID. You can choose to receive the group messages as individual emails, as a once-a-day digest, or to only read them within Yahoo!

In order to join the Discussion Group, please provide us with your name, home address and email address so that we can contact you if we have any questions. You will receive an invitation to join the Discussion Group from the Discussion Group Moderator or one of the Association Officers.

What is your name?
What is your home street address?
What is your home phone number?
What is your email address?

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Updated October 27, 2007

©2011 Northwood Neighborhood Association.