Volume 3, Issue 1

April 16, 2004

Saturday, April 24th
8:00 am -1:00 pm

    The neighborhood association will run an advertisement in the Austin American Statesman advertising our 1st annual neighborhood multi-family garage sale.  We hope to attract more buyers by coordinating our efforts.  A web site (http://www.main.org/northpark/garagesales.htm)has been created to showcase the items being offered and provide a map to our neighborhood. 
    If you are interested in participating, please send an email to Sammy Amsler at samtex_ us@yahoo.com.  Please include in the body of your email a listing of your items in paragraph form, and your address.  The listing will be copied to the web site.
You may also leave your information in

the drop box  at 838 North Bend Drive. 
Signs will be posted at the neighborhood entrance to direct shoppers and maps will be available to indicate the location of sales registered with the association.
    If you have items you wish to sell ,but not enough to warrant holding a garage sale, the Amslers have offered to accept priced, labeled items to include in their sale at 1000 Space Lane.

    It has been suggested that a voluntary contribution ($5) be made from the proceeds of the garage sales to establish a memorial flower fund.  This fund will be used to donate flowers on behalf of the neighborhood association  to the families in our neighborhood who have lost a loved one.  Visit the web site at
http://www.main.org/northpark/flowerfund.htm to view a listing of families that have recently suffered a loss.

Special points of interest:
Annual Picnic -May 1st
Pflugerville Schools:
Kindergarten Roundup
- April 22
TAKS tests
- April 27-29
Last day of School
- May 21

Inside this issue:

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