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leaf_lt.gif (631 bytes) Who are we?
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e are the Heritage Neighborhood Association. We are an association of homeowners that represent a neighborhood in central Austin, Texas (
leaf_rt.gif (628 bytes)map). The purpose of our neighborhood association is to promote and protect the quality of life, safety, and residential characteristics our neighborhood.

    leaf_rt.gif (628 bytes) A copy of our bylaws.

To view the by laws, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free program for the PC or Macintosh that reads PDF files. Once the reader is properly installed, you can click on the pages below and they will load into your browser for viewing and printing.
getacro.gif (1692 bytes)

Our association officers are:

President: Paula Brown
Secretary: Dan Mottola
Treasurer: Betsy Greenberg
Steering Committee: contact at HeritageNA-steering@yahoogroups.com
    Paula Brown
    Jay Farrell
    Alfred Godfrey
    Betsy Greenberg
    Anne Heinen
    Jolene Kiolbassa

    Laurie Limbacher
    Dan Mottola
    JW Walthall
    Michael Word

Neighborhood Watch Coordinator:
    Sommer Maxwell

Austin Police Department neighborhood rep:
    Rolando Gutierrez, 974-5998, Rolando.Gutierrez@austintexas.gov

Austin Police Department noise rep:
    Desiree Small, 974-5345, Desiree.Small@ci.austin.tx.us

Annual dues shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) per household or ten ($10.00) per individual payable in January of each year.


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last updated: 07.06.2005 by robert.e.mace