Minutes of Meeting
Sunday, March 17, 2002, 2:00 PM, home of Ingrid Morton, 3204 Cupid Drive,
Austin, TX, 78735
A neighborhood meeting was called to order upon written notice being delivered to each neighbor via the association newsletter. The notice included agenda items.
Secretary Carl Pearson opened the meeting at 2:15pm, at which 14 members were present. The meeting was held at Ingrid Morton’s home.
Minutes from the previous meeting were entered into the record.
Ingrid gave a treasurer’s report, informing the attendees that there was one new member, and that $85 had been added to the association’s bank balance.
Elon Nash reports receiving a call from Jerry Jeff Walker regarding Daryl Slusher's petition drive to remain on the ballot for the upcoming City Council elections. As of the previous Saturday, Mr. Slusher had not received enough petition signatures to overcome his term limitation.
Two Block Captains positions remain unfilled: Nancy Gale, and Dudley/Dudmar.
With regards to mailings, Ingrid asked if non-profits got a discount on postage. Answer, no.
Horacio Gasquet recalled discussion on electronic delivery of newsletter, informing the group that as of yet not much activity had been seen on the yahoo egroup he had set up.
Entries to the Logo Contest were viewed. The winning entry was from Ingrid.
On the subject of conservation and environmentalism, Ingrid mentions the Home Depot Lawn Mower Exchange: A $105 rebate for an electric cordless mower. Donna Tiemann also provided air conditioner and appliance rebates for anyone interested.
Horacio mentions the green power program to complement the programs Donna mentioned.
Ingrid mentions the rainwater collection program offered by the City - $60, normally $125 (approx).
Carl mentions the low-flow toilet program.
On the subject of the Longhorn Pipeline, Donna asks people to boycott Exxon/Mobil in order to protest the pipeline reactivation.
Donna then mentions the upcoming Rolling Thunder event, with among others Molly Ivins, Jim Hightower, Marcia Ball, and Michelle Shock. It is a networking meet for democracy supporters.
Marsha gives an update on progress with building a sidewalk on the feeder road of 290. City of Austin has bond money as well as CapMetro to pay for installation. TxDot owns the property. COA needs permission from them, which TxDot gave. Current estimate is design in '02, construction in '03. Sunset Valley's boundary is from Stearn's west to Brodie. City of Austin would build only from West Gate to Stearn's.
Traffic backed up on the feeder was discussed. Elon would like to see a one-way road out of the neighborhood, besides the feeder, such as an extension from West Gate, or Dudley. Horacio would like to see the association work with Sunset Valley on the Brodie intersection.
Donna suggests meeting with fire/emergency/EMS personnel to inform them of alternative ways into the neighborhood, as well as meeting with Sunset Valley regarding improving the intersection.
Jean Wilkins mentions graffiti on the closed down gas station. Joe Head says he called it in to the city. A brief discussion ensues on why store closed down: The tanks had leaked, forcing their removal, which caused the store to close.
A Brodie Tract update was given: Donna and Marsha Topham made a presentation to the city council in January. They were told there was no plan to sell the tract. Since then Donna has heard from Jeannie Plumer regarding a potential sale, with council to discuss this in early April. Donna thinks the portion closest to 290 & 360 will be developed, with the remainder to be held in conservation easement.
Pros and cons of such a sale are discussed. Pro: With easements, the association could work toward keeping public access but still keep development small. Only 12.45, or 15% of the tract's entire 83 acres could be developed.
Ellen Long mentions Daryl Slusher talking about this prospect even back at the block party in '98, following purchase of the Brodie Tract by COA after passage of Prop 2.
Donna mentions the prospect of swapping Bradfield tract (S.E. corner of MoPac & 360) for Brodie. Bradfield is owned by Prentiss Properties. They are currently approved for septic on the property. Donna reiterates that this is rumor.
Horacio asks if we are opposed to development on 290. Donna reiterates Ingrid's point that this is the most sensitive area of the aquifer. This portion of the recharge zone is one of the fastest moving portions of the entire recharge zone, where water entering there can show up at the Springs in a matter of hours.
Donna says the city will probably bring on the swap and/or 360/290 area as their first proposal, that we would then want to get all environmental groups involved (Fish & Wildlife, EPA, etc.) to make sure any development would be done properly.
It is mentioned that other prop 2 properties have been re-sold, with provision that only 1 to 2% could be developed.
Donna reiterates that neighborhoods must have input in the early planning stages, before development plans are made. The city has not developed guidelines for what can and can not be done in a conservation easement (i.e., utilities, roads).
Donna reads a letter urging the city to have neighborhood associations and other groups involved in any development plans.
SOS, Sierra Club, Barton Hills Neighborhood Association, others will be encouraged to sign onto this letter.
Elon stresses that any neighborhood cleanup would need groups going back, not individuals, for protection purposes.
Donna reiterates we should be proactive, make sure the city knows we want to be a part of the future of this land. Also stresses we should gather as many signatures to attach to this letter as possible.
Donna relates that Steve Beers at the Sierra club suggested a petition drive with news coverage, perhaps at a block party.
Horacio thanks Donna for the working to create the letter.
Ellen reiterates the old idea of selling the Brodie Tract in order to purchase other sensitive tracts. Jean suggests that's what the Bradfield/Brodie swap is all about.
Horacio suggests calling / emailing the mayor & city council after the letter goes in. If no response from this, call again, tell them of barbeque with press presence, generally act as proactive as possible without being offensive. Donna concurs, wants letter to be delivered in person.
Jean wants to strike a sentence about allowing parking on weekends for trailgoers. Donna agrees.
Motion to accept letter as written, striking sentence about parking on weekends. Motion seconded. Unanimous approval, motion carries. Letter to be delivered within the next two weeks.
Donna reads individual "Citizen's" petition.
Ingrid wants "all of the land" instead of "as much as possible".
Horacio suggests we follow council member's petition guidelines, Donna says this petition is more relaxed, do not need to be notarized, do not need to be signed by registered voters.
Donna suggests getting a letter in the Chronicle. Jean suggests people being able to sign it online. Carl asks what media would be contacted. Donna says she has acquired contacts through her association with the Longhorn Pipeline activists. Judy Maggio is suggested.
The Petition is passed around for review.
A Motion to pass out petition and collect signatures is voiced. Motion seconded. Unanimous approval, Motion carries.
Horacio suggests the individual petition be sent through the email list.
At 4pm, the meeting adjourns.
Joe & Kay Head invite those attending go outside and see their gas/electric hybrid car.