Austin Area Homeschoolers
AAH Home / AAH eMail Lists / Newcomers' Guide

Ad Clarification

We moderators try to keep advertisements off the list because this is what people on the list have expressed that they want. However, we recognize that many homeschoolers have home-based businesses, and the homeschooling community wants to know about and support them!

The way we prefer to handle ads is for you to create a file in the file section of the Announce List. When you create the file, you can check a box and have it announced (via a post) to the entire group automatically, and those who want to view your information can click on it and go straight to the file. 

The benefit is that members can view the files at any time rather than digging through past posts trying to remember who was the Usborne consultant, tupperware distributor, Avon lady, co-op leader, tutor, or private school coordinator. 

Be sure to include your complete contact information in the file.

Here is the link to the file section for our subscribers: .

If you are unsure how to upload a file more info can be found here:

If you want to announce a ONE-TIME EVENT related to your business (tupperware party, book viewing, etc. that couldn't benefit from being in the files area), it is okay to post that to the Announce List. If you want to announce your class, part-time school or other ongoing activity, it is okay to post that to the Announce List ONCE PER SEMESTER (fall, spring, summer). Do not post these types of announcements to the Discuss or Helping Lists!

 If someone is asking a question on the AAH-Discuss List, whether it's about an Usborne distributor, dentist, car repair place, piano instructor, whatever, you are well within the list guidelines to respond to it on the AAH-Discuss List if you have a suggestion (including suggesting your own business). If someone has asked the question on the Announce List, though, or has asked for a private reply, please send the info only to the original poster.

 The main point is that it is not appropriate for people to take advantage of the lists (and the AAH membership) as an avenue for free, unlimited advertising.

 If you have questions, please send an e-mail to . 

 Thank you, 
AAH List Volunteers