May 2002
We met Wednesday, May 1, 2002, for our
monthly luncheon. There was more discussion about our 60th Reunion next year.
We meet at Luby's Restaurant and the music they played was unusually loud and it
was hard to discuss anything. We are going to have a planning meeting at a quiet
place where we can talk. Will keep you informed.
Adele (Boren) Spencer was up from Texas along with Ruth (Harvey) and John Kirkpatrick from
Grove, OK for the luncheon. We also had two ladies who had not attended before.
They were Bonnie Monson and Ruth (Austin) Justus. We were happy with all who
were in attendance especially those who live in other localities and we had a good time
and good food.
Our Chairperson, Jo Ann (Perry) Huffman. Husband Bill, Riley and Becky Sue Foyil attended
the 60th Reunion of the Class of 42, May 3-5 2002, and were impressed by the enthusiasm of
all who attended. There were about 180 people there from all over the US.
All those present at the May luncheon were: Virgie Tucker, Adele (Boren) Spencer,
Riley and Becky Sue Foyil, Jo Ann (Perry) and Bill Huffman, Bob Hensley, Roger and Laura
Swift, Ruth (Harvey) and John Kirkpatrick, Jerry and Donna Carman, Marge (Stanley) Glen,
Dick Doerner, Bonnie Monson, Ruth (Austin) Justus and Jeannie (Redden) Paul.
Becky and Riley Foyil have
collecting material for the Central web page. If you have
any ideas or pictures, contact them at home address,
12017 E. 85th Pl. No., Owasso, Ok. 74055 or email at: