March 2001
We had a really good group for the
March lunch and everyone had a
very good time. We had three who had not been to the lunch in quite
awhile and we were sure glad to see the. They were Beryl Ford, who
has been sick for a long time, Jeanne Redden Paul, and Virginia Burlingame.
Beryl is looking real good and is even back to doing some work. He left to
go to a job after lunch and we all told him not to fall off any of those houses
he climbs up on. Jeanne and Virginia are both doing real well and said they
would try to come to more of the luncheons in the future.
Bill Huffman who is Jo Ann Perry
Huffman's husband has been ill and they
had to leave early for a doctor's appointment. We hope that it is nothing serious.
Ed and Pat Borofsky drive over from
Rogers, Arkansas just about every month
for the luncheon. We can count on them being here baring sickness or something
pressing. Real faithful!!
Those present were:
Bill and Jo Ann Perry Huffman, Beryl Ford,
Riley and Becky Sue Foyil
Ed and Pat Borofsky, Bevery Gilbert
Roger and Laura Swift, Virgie Bittle Tucker,
Virginia Burlingame, and
Bill and Nancy Allen
Bill and Jo Ann Perry Huffman
Beryl Ford
Becky Sue Foyil
Pat Borofsky
Beverly Gilbert
Roger Swift
Jeanne Redden Paul
Bill Allen
Nancy Allen
Virgie Bittle Tucker
Laura Swift
Virginia Burlingame
Ed Borofsky
Becky and Riley Foyil have
collecting material for the Central web page. If you have
any ideas or pictures, contact them at home address,
12017 E. 85th Pl. No., Owasso, Ok. 74055 or email at: