Fellowship Hall
TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2001, 7:30 PM

In attendance: Grey and Margaret Kellogg, Barrie Cogburn, Eric Verret, Eric Vormelker, Lisa Schneider, Fred Daughtry, Eileen Murphy, Jessica Allison, Bridget Patke, Don Gunkel, Stephanie Rogers, Colin Garvey, Gail Bailey, Gloria Lara, Margaret Lara, Rachel Cowart, Officer Eric Oakmon. Guest Speaker: Donna Jackson


-Eric called for brief discussion items from any in attendance that had issues that weren't on the agenda. There were none.
-Much thanks was expressed to the following people for all their hard work:
Fred Daughtry for the use of Skyview Church and their resources
Eileen Murphy for designing the newsletter
Chris Fowler for meeting with the Office of Neighborhood Services.
and the following for delivering the newsletter: Colin Garvey, Eileen Murphy,
Fred Daughtry, Sam Staples, Bruce Logan, Rindy Fox and David Hall.


-Lisa Schneider reported that current petty cash stands at $51.35.
Including the additional night's contributions ($10.00), our petty cash now stands at $61.35.

III. OLD BUSINESS -Lisa gave a short update on the North Loop planning process (which includes the neighborhoods to the south of Koenig), including a short summary about what the process is. The North Loop Planning process is four months in at this point, and they received a very solid response from their surveys. She reminded us that people from our neighborhood are still welcome to provide input either through her or by attending their meetings on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at Ridgetop Elementary. The next couple of meetings will include presentations by the city on Smart Growth and Urban Design issues.

-Another topic that came out of the North Loop Planning is Southern Union Gas' zoning change request. They are exploring the idea of developing approximately 2/3 of their property toward the railroad tracks into a mixed-use commercial/residential development. We are in contact with the City Planning Department and will try to be involved with this development as it progresses.

-Eric Vormelker gave a report on his meeting with TxDoT regarding the plans for the Koenig expansion. There are currently two paths being pursued.

*First, Skyview is gathering information on TxDoT landscaping and construction requirements so that we can try to influence the TxDoT plan to make it more suitable for our neighborhoods. Eric Verret volunteered to assist Eric Vormelker in attempting to collect more information about this issue.

*The second path is being spearheaded by Clare Barry of the Brentwood Neighborhood Association. Her focus has been for the City of Austin to take over maintenance of Koenig, which should help insure that the adjoining neighborhoods' landscaping and design preferences will happen. The proposal is now scheduled for a vote by the City Council on Thursday, January 18. We will let everyone know as soon as we have information on the time this item will appear in the agenda. In the mean time, email or phone the city council members to express your opinion. See the Skyview NA website for links to councilmembers email addresses.

Eric has a photocopy of the expansion plans as they stand currently, and if anyone would like to view them, contact him to set up a time. As it stands now, TxDoT will call for bids in May. The construction will start with the bridge between Chesterfield and Guadalupe a few months after that, and as he understands it, will take about two years.


-Donna Jackson of the City of Austin Neighborhood Academy gave us an overview of what her office does and how they can help us as individuals and as a neighborhood association. She also gave us a little history of the Office of Neighborhood Services and the Neighborhood Academy.

She discussed some of the classes that they offer and handed out packets with current class schedules and other neighborhood services information. She also collected the surveys that we handed out and said that she'll be compiling a report based on that information and get back to us with the results. Based on that, we can then get together and decide when/where/what we'd like them to come to our meetings to teach us. We then asked her a few specific questions regarding our neighborhood which she said she'll research and get back to us with answers. One of these questions regarded fixing up the bridge at the end of Skyview. We discussed getting it painted/painting it ourselves. Margaret Kellogg brought up the issue of wood that is rotting on the bridge. She will contact the city to see about getting all of the wood replaced. The painting issue will be tabled until that gets addressed.

Donna also recommended that we get together as a neighborhood and compile a list of other neighborhood concerns, action items, and goals. So, we asked everyone to go home and think about what they would want on that list. At the next meeting, we might spend the time brainstorming on this question.


-Lisa mentioned that on the Egroups discussion list, it was decided that we should expand our official neighborhood boundary to Koenig, North Lamar, Denson, and Airport for the following reasons:

1) The police department has a crime listings website that is divided by neighborhoods. We have now officially become part of this listing and per the police department's recommendation, including our surrounding area (which was not part of any other neighborhood) will let us know about what crimes have occurred nearby. When that information becomes available, we'll have a link to this on our website.

2) In case of zoning change requests for nearby properties, we are more likely to be notified sooner if it is officially in our neighborhood.

-There was some discussion of how we'll start making policy as an organization. After a short discussion, it was decided that this is an issue that needs to be discussed further. As our organization grows, these are things we'll need to start working out.

-and the idea of a party/potluck is still floating around out there.

We then adjourned, ate dessert, and looked over the drawings of Koenig that Eric got from TxDot.

It was a good meeting. Thanks everyone:-)