Minutes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rosewood Neighborhood Contact Team Meeting September 21, 2006, 6:15 p.m. Conley-Guerrero Senior Activity Center Present ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryah Christensen, Judith Clarkson, Paula Gilbert, Mahala Guevara, Annie Hardy, Linda Hutchins, Sun McColgin, Jane Rivera, Gilbert Rivera, Patti Shook, Mary Silverstein, Jake Silverstein, Richard Weiss, and Scott Lyles ARA. Old Business ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. August minutes approved. 2. Redeemer Update Redeemer Church took their plan to the planning commission, who told them that they wanted a statement of compromise from both the church and the neighborhood. The commission said they would grant the height variance if the church presented a site plan (as RNCT had requested). While RNCT was discussing this matter a church representative delivered a letter to Jane that while stating a spirit of compromise, did not appear to adequately address neighborhood concerns. Given that the Board of Adjustments has set December 11th as the definitive date to review this matter, RNCT should start talking to City Council and Planners now. ARA Report by Scott Lyles ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Lyles, a member of the ARA, presented the beginning stages of their plan to build 17 affordable housing units in the Homewood Heights neighborhood particularly the area where Crest merges with Oak Grove and Ridgeway). They have received a grant to start "phase 1" (purchasing property) of this development, and are awaiting further city funding. Donna Carter will be their architect. Notices of Requests for Variances ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Featherlight property (Tom Meredith) Jane says she's pretty sure that this project is something that RNCT has already supported, but will find out more. 2. Mt. Zion Church Parking These plans we have already approved and written a letter of support for. 3. Transit Oriented Delvelopment Ordinance Jane will find out more about this request. 4. University Enterprises 1901 through 1904 E. 11th St. wants to change from residential to mixed use zoning. Jane will ask OCEAN for more information. Valdez property, presented by Alice Glasco ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gary and Doyle Valdez would like our support when they request a change of zoning from LR to CSMU with no height limit on four 50' x 200' lots at the corner of Manor rd and Alexander. They feel they need these changes to facilitate a mixed use higher end retail project they may build in the future, and they have noted that the properties to the West of theirs are already zoned CSMU. Currently they have no specific plan for the property, merely are exploring the possiblities. The group present informed them that we have never approved a change of zoning without reviewing concrete development plans. They will probably re-present to us next month. Hopefully members of the Austin Heights neighborhood will be present, as they are the most directly affected by whatever is developed on those lots. *meeting adjourned*