El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Minutes for 25 September 2004 Meeting
Ruiz Branch - Austin Public Library
10:30 a.m.
In attendance: (8) Cassandra Treviño (UT iSchool and BLAC); Derek Najera
(UT iSchool); Elva Garza (APL); Irma Flores-Manges (APL); Joanna Nigrelli
(APL); Maribel Garza (Round Rock ISD); Vanessa Chávez (UT iSchool);
Yuhayna McCoy (guest speaker).
Reviewed minutes.
Change in May 2004 minutes: 2 a.m. to 2 p.m.
July 24, 2004 minutes approved
Financial Report:
7 new members
$160.00 from National REFORMA dues. Approximately $900 in our account.
Old Business
1. Poetry Event / REFORMA fundraiser
Elva Garza provided information on the past poetry events at the home of Marta
Cortera and the Austin History Center. The program at the History Center was
arranged through APL Director Brenda Branch. Security paid for by APL (must
have security for after hour events w/ alcohol.) Using a home vs. using the
History Center had almost the same cost.
2. Texas Library Association Annual Meeting - April 5-8, 2005
in Austin
Still no word from publishers in response to Maribel's enquery regarding Carmen
Lomas Garza's Quinceañera for Mi Familia. Elva suggested looking for
padrinos to help sponsor/fund event. Ex. Scholastic, Libros Frontera, and
other publishers. Doña Emilia's Restauant was suggested as a good place
to hold the event. Perhaps we could get part of the cover charge as a donation
to El Corazón de Tejas. We need to find a night that doesn't conflict
with other TLA nightly programs. Wednesday was suggested.
Elva is also the Chair of the Spanish Speaking Round Table (for TLA) and they
have discussed a Texas REFORMA Chapter get together.
3. Diana had proposed the use of www.justgiving.com as a fundraising tool. This seems like a good way to solicit donations to El Corazón. We will ask Diana to create a site for us and then promote the site on the Web and all our materials. Individuals (perhaps lapsed REFORMA members who don't want to commit to joining again) can pledge donations to the group.
4. Texas Center for the Book Grant
Maribel reports that she is waiting to hear back but is very confident that
we will get funded. This event will take place the Saturday after TLA. Elva
suggested contacting the elusive but reliable Della Mae More (AISD Bilingual
Education Director) about getting families out to hear Diana Gonzalez Bertrand
as she writes for a youth audience.
5. Club de Conversación
September Club was cancelled due to member time conflicts. Jennifer Thomas
has offered to host the October 2 Club at Ruta Maya.
New Business
6. Yuhayna McCoy, a graduate of UT's Community and Regional Planning Department, gave a presentation entitled Internally Displaced People in Ibagué-Tolima, Colombia. Members hope to get a copy of her PowerPoint presentation and display it on our website for everyone to view.
7. Texas State Library Spanish materials book fair
The TSL would like to have a book fair of Spanish language materials for librarians
and teachers. This book fair will also be open to the public. The idea behind
the book fair is to be a mini Monterrey or Guadalajara. We could host it outside
ASJ in tents sometime September-October 2005. We should start collecting names
of publishers we would like to invite.
8. Rides to El Corazón de Tejas meetings
If someone is in need of a ride to a meeting or event, please post a message
to the El Corazon de Tejas email list or contact an officer.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
The next chapter meeting is November 18th, 2004.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana Miranda-Murillo, 25 November 2004.