El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Meeting Minutes for 17 September 2003
Nuevo León Restaurant, Austin, TX
12:30-1:30 p.m.
In attendance:
Adán Benavides (UT Benson), Paola Ferate-Soto (APL), Irma Flores Manges
(APL), Elva Garza (APL), Margo Gutierrez (UT Benson), Pamela Mann (UT Benson),
Steve Reich (APL), Gustavo Soto (APL).
1. Bienvenida/Introductions - Paola Ferate Soto (Sign-in sheet passed around)
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from 15 July 2003 Meeting - Adán Benavides
3. Chapter Memberships and Financial Report - Gustavo Soto
Old and New Business
4. Hoyos - Holes discussion group at Cepeda - Paola Ferate Soto
5. Quilt Project - Paola Ferate Soto
· Report on past event
· Schedule
6. Book Lists - Margo Gutiérrez
7. New Member's Packet - Jennifer Thomas
8. Día de los muertos event - Paola Ferate Soto
9. Chapter speakers for the year - Margo Gutiérrez and Group Discussion
10. "Voting Education Coalition Meeting" - Elva Garza
11. Additional Discussion Points and Announcements
1. Paola opened the meeting at 12:30 p.m.
2. The minutes from the July 2003 meeting were approved as submitted.
3. Gustavo announced that the chapter treasury has a balance of $919. He named
Blain Parsons as a new member. Discussion and approval of spending approximately
$50 for supplies for the Quilt Project. Suppliers named were Hobby Lobby,
Hancock Fabrics, and Office Depot. Other expenses were discussed: $50 for
quilter/facilitator, Austin Public Library would provide some materials and
printing, Margo and Adán would pay for cost of glue, and Gustavo would
look into the possibility that APL may have encumbered funds for the project.
Old and New Business
4. Hoyos - Holes discussion. Paola and Gustavo supplied refreshments when
a small group met at Cepeda Branch during the first week of September. There
would be a change in venue for the final discussion group in October.
5. "Quilt Project" discussion. The event, using precut fabrics and
other decorative elements applied with glue, was announced by a poster and
flyers supplied by APL. There was success in the two initial events held at
Plaza Saltillo. Approximately 48 squares were completed. More sessions are
planned this fall, perhaps as many as eight sessions at 7 locations. There
was also discussion of the participation of the Children's Museum and volunteers
from AmeriCorps.
6. Book lists discussion. Margo Gutiérrez gave an update on creating
annotated booklists appropriate for k-2 and k-3 on bilingual, Spanish, or
English works with Latino themes. The contributors are Margo, Sarah (who sent
in her list), Josefina (who left books, but without annotations), and Paola.
Others were asked to submit suggestions to Margo: suggestions are to include
title and the annotation, and Margo will fill out bibliographic information
in a uniform format. The deadline for submitting suggestions was 1 October
while lists are to be completed by 1 November.
7. New Member's packet discussion. Adán mentioned that he had gotten
quotes from Kinko's and UT Printing. These quotes were high and were for reproduction
only. That is, the quotes were based on submission of "camera-ready"
artwork. Further discussion was tabled until the quotes could be compared
and analyzed.
8. Día de los muertos report. Gustavo suggested that the 1 November
celebration be made an annual event by the group. This year's event would
be at Cepeda Branch, from 3 to 5 p.m. José Limón (UT, CMAS director)
would provide a reader for the event. Other aspects of the event included
request for pictures of deceased relatives, food, calacas and other readings,
music, "supplies" for the altar, and use of Friends of the Library
9. It was announced that Emilio Zamora would be asked as the guest speaker
for the November meeting, with Jill Goldman as alternate. Location of next
meeting would be announced later.
10. Voting Education Coalition Meeting discussion. Elva led the discussion
by noting the importance of getting registration for first-time voters in
the upcoming election year. Voter information at libraries would include posters,
brochures, and announcements. The "rules" for proper registration
procedures should be out by January. Events would also include speakers on
the importance of voting. Information would be provided later on funds available
for supplies, posters, and speakers. Some discussion followed on UT's policy
regarding voter registration; it was noted that much of registration is handled
routinely at time of registration and by campus groups.
The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
The next chapter meeting is 15 November 2003, at a time and place to be announced.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Adán Benavides, 14 November 2003.