El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Minutes for 18 November 2004 Meeting
Benson Latin American Collection
4:30 p.m.
Attendance (11):
Cassandra Treviño (UT iSchool and BLAC); Elva Garza (APL); Irma Flores-Manges
(APL); Joanna Nigrelli (APL); Vanessa Chávez (UT iSchool); Diana Miranda-Murillo,
Pamela Mann (UT-Benson), Adán Benavides, Robert Logan (Round Rock Library),
Jeni Wischmeyer (APL), Tom Moran (APL).
Reviewed minutes.
September 25, 2004 minutes approved
Financial Report:
Cassandra stared the process with Justgiving to open an account for El Corazón
de Tejas and collect donations for specific activities.
Cassandra is going to find out if National Reforma can pay for
opening that account and if chapters can be covered by National's umbrella.
Old Business
Texas Library Association Annual Meeting - April 5-8,
2005 in Austin
It was proposed to have the poetry night during TLA party. That could be Wednesday
or Thursday from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
The sponsors suggested for this activity are:
This activity is not meant to be for fundraising but for promoting Reforma.
Texas Center for the Book Grant
On March 5 there is going to be a book talk by Teresa Palomo Acosta and on April 9 another one by Diane González.
To promote this activity it was suggested to:
It is pending to determine if it is going to be necessary to reserve a location for these activities.
Club de Conversación
Club de Conversación is going to be on hold for two months (December
2004 and January 2005) because these two months are mostly full of activities
and it would be difficult to have people hosting activities and attending to
El Corazón de Tejas members' information collection
Information about the El Corazón de Tejas' members latest achievements
was collected for a report for National Reforma.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm
The next chapter meeting is Saturday January 22, 2005. Time and location to be announced.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana Miranda-Murillo, 18 November 2004