El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Meeting Minutes for November 19, 2002
Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, Austin, TX
pm - 5:20 pm
attendance: (10)
Bradley-Leighton (GSLIS, UT Benson, LBJ), Patricia Clark (McLennan County/Waco
Public Library), Irma Flores-Manges (Austin Public Library), Elva Garza (Austin
Public Library), Jill Goldman (UT GSLIS, UT Benson), Tom Moran (APL), Steve
Reich (APL), Paola Ferate-Soto (APL), Gustavo Soto (APL), Sean Sutcliffe (MC/WPL)
Bienvenidos/Introductions – Elva Garza
sheet will be passed around
2. Ron Pollock, Director of Career Services at the Graduate School of
Library and Information Science
opportunities between REFORMA and GSLIS students
Approval of Meeting Minutes from September 2002 Meeting – Sarah
Chapter Membership and Financial Report – Gustavo Soto
Report on the Central Texas Library Services Regional
Meeting – Elva
Friday, September 27, 2002 in Giddings
6. Report on Chapter participation in the Rudolfo Anaya’s discussion – Elva
Gardens, Wednesday, October 23 at 7:00 p.m.
Holiday Tamales Fundraiser – Elva
Rudulfo Anaya Book Raffle – Elva/Paola Ferate Soto
Evening of Words and Music postponed until February 2003 – Gustavo/Elva/Paola
“Basque in Knowledge @ Your Library” - Tri-Conference
Tahoe, Nevada: November 4-7, 2003 - Sarah/Jennifer Thomas
“From Papyrus to the Virtual Library” - Library Conference
Cuba: March 24-28, 2003 – Sarah
Chapter Representation/Booth at TLA in the Spring - ?
Reading List Progress - ?
14. El Corazón Website Photo Gallery Added - Sarah
Additional Announcements
1. Elva welcomed the group. Everyone present
introduced himself or herself.
2. Ron Pollock, Director of Career Services at GSLIS,
introduced the mentoring program they host with General Libraries. The General
Libraries/GSLIS mentoring program requires six hours of contact time through
lunches, informal meetings, site tours, etc. He shared a handout that outlines
the program and invited our chapter to adjust our mentoring program to our
preferences. There is an application process so students can be appropriately
matched with professionals. Ron Pollock will forward the application forms to us
so we can tailor the forms for our chapter needs. We will then make the forms
available online.
3. The group approved the minutes from the September 24 meeting except for a
spelling change to Patricia Clark’s last name. There is no “e” at the end
of Clark. (Sorry, about that same mistake again!)
4. Gustavo reported on chapter funds and distributed a balance sheet. There is
currently $576.65 in the chapter account. We have two new members, Irma Shook
and Li-Fei Chen. Gustavo distributed a current membership list with 38 active
members for 2002. The members present approved a motion to encumber the current
chapter balance for Dia de los Niños/ Dia de los Libros.
5. Elva reported that the Central Texas Library
Services Regional Meeting, on Friday, September 27, 2002 in Giddings has
generated some interest form librarians in Wimberly, San Marcos, and Taylor.
Elva has received phone calls from librarians in those towns.
6. Tom Moran reported that the Friends of the Library will be
sending us a $70.00 check for our share of the profits earned from the sale of
Rudolfo Anaya’s books during the city discussion at Fiesta Gardens, Wednesday,
October 23 at 7:00 p.m. The discussion was a great success with about 250 people
7. The chapter will run a holiday tamale fundraiser
starting today through December 5, 2002. We will sell homemade tamales of
chicken, beef, and pork. Please take orders by the dozen and report your orders
to Elva Garza by December 5, 2002. Collect the money at the time of the order.
The orders will be frozen by the dozen and available for pick-up at St. John’s
Library and Community Center. We will charge $6.50 per dozen. Checks can be made
out to “El
Corazón de Tejas.”
8. The chapter will also be hosting a fundraising book drawing. We will be
drawing for an autographed copy of “Heart of Aztlan” and a copy of
"Elegy on the Death of Cesar Chavez.” Chances cost $2.00 each. There are
printed drawings available from Elva. Please have the donors circle the book
they would like a chance to win and bring the chances and the money to Elva on
12/14. The two drawings will occur on December 14, 2002, at the chapter holiday
gathering at Elva’s house. The books will be mailed to the winners in time for
Christmas. Contact Elva for printed chances.
9.The Evening of Words and Music has been postponed until February 8, 2003. The
venue has been set for St. Stephen’s in exchange for about 30 free invitations
for their Spanish students. The committees determined at the September 24, 2002,
meeting are:
Food – Margo (We will have a “potluck” theme
like last year.)
Venue – Irma (She is checking on St. Stephen’s.)
Publicity – Sarah (We will contact the Hispanic
Network and use the guest book from last year to start the invitation list.
Everyone is encouraged to send suggestions.)
Talent Recruitment – Gustavo (Will notify last
year’s participants and recruit new talent.)
Julissa and Anita also volunteered to help where needed. Anyone interested in this planning committee will meet on their own to execute the event.
If any members not present are interested in helping,
they can contact Sarah or Paola. (If you are interested in helping with the
event, there will be an “Evening of Words and Music” committee meeting on
Monday, December 16, 2002, at 6:00 p.m. probably at Terrazas Library.)
10. Sarah reported that she and Jennifer Thomas will submit an abstract for the
conference call for papers for the “Basque in Knowledge @ Your Library” -
Tri-Conference in Lake Tahoe, Nevada on November 4-7, 2003.
11. Sarah announced that she and Maribel Garza are organizing a Texas delegation
to the “From Papyrus to the Virtual Library” - Library Conference in Havana,
Cuba on March 24-28, 2003. The conference will cost $100 USD for a week program.
The group will try to fly together and stay in very affordable university
housing. They are working with the University of Texas to arrange the paperwork
for travel to Cuba. If you are interested in joining the trip, please contact
Sarah at sabradley18@hotmail.com.
12. Elva reported that Loriene Roy had mentioned a diversity fair at the TLA
Spring 2003 conference. The chapter may want to present at this fair. REFORMA
National may also need volunteers at their booth during the TLA conference.
13. There was no report on the progress of the proposed reading lists. Sarah
reported that she did not have time to draft a grant application for reading
list funding. The chapter can apply next year.
14. Sarah announced that she has added a Photo
Gallery to the El Corazón Website. Please send photos and any other website
suggestions to her.
15. Paola mentioned her concern that the Texas Book Festival had very few books
in Spanish. She suggested we draft a letter of concern to the organizers voicing
this concern and encouraging a more diverse showcase of books.
The next meeting is in Austin at Benson Latin American Collection on January 21,
2003, from 4:00-5:30pm.
Minutes were respectfully submitted by Sarah Bradley-Leighton on November 19,