El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Minutes for 22 May 2004 Meeting
Juan in a Million Restaurant
2300 East César Chávez, Austin, TX
9:00 a.m.
1. Bienvenida/Introductions - Paola Ferate Soto (Sign-in sheet will be passed
2. Minutes from 15 November 2003 Meeting delayed - Adán Benavides
3. Minutes from 24 March 2004 Meeting - Adán Benavides
4. Financial Report - Gustavo Soto
Guest Speaker
5. Jill Goldman, San Antonio Public Library. Presentation on her internship
in public librarie sin Oaxaca, summer 2003.
Old Business
6. Fund-raisers - Paola Ferate-Soto
7. Elections/Nomination committee - Paola Ferate-Soto
New Business
8. El Club de Conversación - Jennifer Thomas
9. Día de los niños ~ Día de los libros 2004
10. Petition for funding Día de los Niños - Elva Garza
11. Additional Discussion Points and Announcements
In attendance: (9) Adán Benavides (UT Benson), Luz Catano (APL), Anna
Paola Ferate-Soto (APL), Maribel Garza (AISD, St. Elmo), Irma Flores Manges
(APL), Anita Fudell (APL), Elva Garza (APL), Gustavo Soto (APL), Cassandra
Treviño (UT I-School).
1. Paola called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
2. Adán reported that the minutes for 15 November 2003 meeting are
delayed until further notice since the notes have been mislaid.
3. Minutes for 20 January 2004 meeting approved as presented by Adán
but with one spelling correction.
4. Gustavo announced that the chapter treasury has a balance of about $1000.
More money is expected with the acceptance of new members.
Guest Speaker
5. Guest Speaker Jill Goldman's presentation was cancelled due to her illness.
Old Business
6. Fund-raisers. Jennifer Thomas reported that Ruta Maya is
not available as a site for a benefit. No one had heard what Tom Moran had
found out about Zona Rosa. Maribel Garza noted that we needed to come up with
new ideas that would get funds from many beyond our own membership.
7. Elections/Nomination Committee. Paola would organize the committee to suggest
nominations for three officer positions. The election will be held the third
week of June and the new officers would begin their terms in July. Paola would
especially contact the following for verification of their interest as serving
for Vice-President/President Elect, Secretary or Treasurer: Joanna Nigrelli,
Diana Murillo, Jennifer Thomas, and Cassandra Treviño.
New Business
8. El Club de Conversación. Jennifer Thomas circulated
an announcement that the club, whose purpose is "to provide an informal
and safe place for REFORMA members (and friends) to practice speaking Spanish,"
would have its first monthly meeting on 5 June at Ruta Maya, 3601 South Congress.
Luz Catano volunteered to facilitate the July meeting, and Paola and Gustavo
will facilitate the August meeting.
9. Día de los niños ~ Día de los libros 2004. Elva Garza
gave a recap: approximately 2000 participated, 1800 books given away, and
35 organizations participated. Sizable donations ($1000 and up) were given
by the Austin American Statesman, Eager to Learn, National Association of
Advertisers, and H.E.B. It was such a success that it will be city-wide next
10. Additional Discussion Points and Announcements.
a. Brief discussion on REFORMA participation at IFLA. Adán is going
and will try to meet with other REFORMA members in Buenos Aires.
b. Austin Read campaign will use Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses.
Perhaps the University's Center for Mexican American Studies (CMAS), the Mexican
Center, and the Spanish Department may facilitate the use of a Spanish translation
of the work during the campaign.
c. Thanks and a round of applause were given to the outgoing officers: Paola,
Gustavo, and Adán
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
The next chapter meeting is 24 July 2004 tentatively to be held at Cepeda Branch unless notified otherwise.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Adán Benavides, 24 July 2004.