El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
- El Corazón de Tejas Central Texas Chapter
Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2006
Terrazas Branch - Austin Public Library
In attendance: Jennifer Thomas, Bob Cardenas, Steve Reich, Elva Garza, Paola Ferate-Soto, Robert Logan, & Joanna Nigrelli (also in attendance: Citlalli Soto-Ferate, Itzel Soto-Ferate, Sophia Cardenas)
Reformistas took a tour of the newly remodeled and expanded Terrazas Branch led by Steve Reich and Joanna Nigrelli.
Robert gave an update on library services at Round Rock.
Treasurer's Report:
Paola is waiting on the "big picture" number from Sandra at National
Reforma. She's waiting to hear back from the latest installment of membership
dues. El Corazón donated $200 to the Pura Belpré Fundraiser
at ALA. We also awarded Alison Hicks $300 to attend TLA. Alison's review of
TLA is available on our website: www.main.org/reforma.
Día de los Niños Report:
Elva reported that there was a smaller turnout than before. She attributes
this to the recent spotlight on immigration issues and marches. There were
about 35 organizations exhibited, 2,500 books given away, and 1,500 free hot
dog lunches distributed. Reforma's poetry table was a big success. We also
shared our table space with Christine McNew and the Texas State Library, who
passed out stickers and tattoos.
Immigration event:
Margo was not present to elaborate on her idea of hosting a discussion on
immigrant rights and public service workers. Members were interested in developing
this idea for something in the fall.
New Business:
Joanna made a request for officer candidates. Vice President and President
are still unfulfilled. Two members have expressed interest in Secretary/Treasurer.
Elva made a request for children's book donations to St. John. The community center, with the direction of an Austin church who has "adopted" the neighborhood, will be passing out 150 backpacks of food to children on Friday afternoons. Elva would like to see a book in every backpack. If you have a donation of a new or gently used children's book (in English or in Spanish), please send it to Elva.
Next meeting: Saturday, July 15, 2 p.m. Location TBA.
Submitted by Joanna Nigrelli, May 23, 2006