El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
March 4, 2006
Cepeda Branch Library
3:00 pm
I. Welcome & Introductions
Margo Gutiérrez, Don Bos, Joanna Nigrelli, Paola Ferate-Soto, Diana Miranda-Murrillo,
Gustavo Soto
II. Minutes from last meeting were approved
III. Financial report- Paola Ferate-Soto
The chapter has $ in bank account.
Payee Reason Check # Amount Balance
Beginning Balance as of December 2005 1047.9
1/31/2006 REFORMA National Music Contribution payed by Maribel Garza -100 947.9
(Not cleared as of 3/6/2006)
2/21/2006 Deposit Membership Dues 1277.9
2/21/2006 National REFORMA by Paola Ferate-Soto Membership dues 1/3 and scholarship
money donations -80 967.9
2/21/2006 US Post Master Mail out of membership dues and forms to National -1.26
3/3/2006 Alison Hicks TLA conference scholarship stipend -300 747.9
future To be received from National 93.34 1141.24
future To be deposited (Membership Dues) 40 1087.9
future To be mailed to National (Membership Dues & Scholarship fund) -20
1027.9 Projected balance
IV. Old Business
1. Recruitment ideas for reaching potential new members.
We need to start recruiting new members, try having a chapter meeting at i-school,
though parking is difficult. get more school librarians involved.
2. ALA Midwinter update
It was a huge event. We talked about Dr. Roy's campaign and debate.
3. "Gracias a Todos" event at the University of Texas i-school on
February 18.
We liked the event, we were pleasantly surprised when Bob Cardenas gave an account
on his experience as a cataloger.
4. TLA UT ischool $300 stipend winner is Alison Hicks
Alison will be giving us an account on what happened at TLA
V. New Business
1. Reforma members read at Metz Elementary School for Read Across America. Joanna
mentioned that we might have not acknowledged everyone who read at Metz, and
she apologized and will try to send out a more complete list.
2. Día de los niños libros update
3. Speaker ideas for May and June meetings
People might be interested in listening to speakers that talk about the immigration
issue, since it is an important topic and one in the news. Margo thought that
having someone talk about the current status of the law, would be more important
than about immigration in general.
4. APL's Mayor Book Club Selection Devil's Highway by Luis Alberto Urrea
VI. Open floor for new business