El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Meeting Minutes for March 25, 2003
Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, Austin, TX
3:30 - 4:35 p.m.
1. Bienvenidos/Introductions – Elva Garza
sheet will be
passed around
Approval of Meeting Minutes from January 2003 Meeting – Sarah Bradley
Chapter Memberships and Financial Report – Gustavo Soto
· Don’t Forget to Renew your Membership!
4. Evening of Music, Art and Spoken Word:
Saturday, February 8, 2003 Austin History Center from 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
& Profit – Elva Garza & Gustavo Soto
Poster representing “Immigration Forum” at TLA
– Jennifer Thomas & Elva Garza
6. Lecture with Dr. Loriene Roy from the School of Information – Sarah
Bradley Leighton & Elva Garza
7. Día de los niños
/ Día de los libros on Saturday, April 26, 2003 – Elva Garza
Setting up El Corazón elections for 2003-2004 – Paola Ferate-Soto
Additional Discussion Points and
attendance: (11) Adán
Benavides (Benson), Sarah Bradley-Leighton (ISchool, UT Benson, LBJ), Paola
Ferate-Soto (APL), Irma Flores-Manges (APL), Anita Fudell (APL), Maribel Garza (ISchool),
Margo Gutierrez (Benson), Tom Moran (APL), Steve Reich (APL), Gustavo Soto
(APL), Jennifer Thomas (APL).
Paola Ferate-Soto (VP) announced that Elva would not be attending the meeting today due to a death in the family. Paola led the meeting in Elva’s absence. Paola welcomed everyone. Margo noted this was Maribel Garza’s first meeting although she has helped us with many past events.
The minutes from the January 2003 meeting were approved. Sarah reminded everyone that the minutes are always posted on the web at least 1 week after the meeting.
Gustavo announced that we made about $500.00 on the “Evening” event in February. The chapter has close to $1400 in the bank account. He reminded everyone to renew his or her membership. Be sure to send your membership checks to the chapter and Gustavo will forward your information and percentage of the dues to REFORMA National.
Those present commented that the “Evening” event went well and we had a good turnout despite the bad weather. Adán suggested that we have a program of the performers next year since many people asked about the performers and we did not have that information written down anywhere. Margo suggested we arrange the food and performers in a manner that is more conducive to mingling and socializing next year. The chapter thanks everyone who helped make the event such a success be it bringing in food or performing or displaying their art.
Jennifer Thomas showed us a mock up of the poster she has designed for the TLA Diversity Fair. It describes how the chapter planned and executed the Immigration Forum last spring (May 11, 2002). With photos and text, the poster displays how our chapter organized the community forum so that others might follow our example. There will be handouts from the forum and chapter brochures available for TLA attendees along with the poster. Those present offered some suggestions about improving the poster and everyone thanked Jennifer for pulling together such a good display for the chapter.
Sarah Bradley Leighton announced the lecture by Loriene Roy on April 16, 2003, at St. John’s. Dr. Roy will speak about the programs she organizes within the Native American communities she works with. The chapter is hosting this as an opportunity for professional development. Sarah will get more detailed information about the lecture and will forward it to the chapter via the listerv so that we can all spread the word about the lecture and encourage colleagues to attend. Jennifer Thomas will seek approval for APL professional development credit. This lecture will be open to anyone not just chapter members.
Paola talked about Día de los niños / Día de los libros which will be on Saturday, April 26, 2003, at St. John’s. The chapter has already allocated $500.00 to donate to the event. We will have a table at the event to host an activity for the attendees. Gustavo will do a bilingual poetry activity at our table and any other activities are welcome. Contact Paola (paola.ferate-soto@ci.austin.tx.us) if you are interested in helping at the table. Adán noted that he has a colleague in the textbook business and will contact him about donating textbooks to the event.
announced that chapter elections are approaching. The term ends in June and
we would like to hold elections in May or early June. Margo Gutierrez and
Anita Fudell volunteered to assist with the process this year. Jennifer
Thomas will forward them the information they need from when she did it last
year. The positions that will be open are: Vice President (President-Elect),
Secretary, and Treasurer. Think about nominating someone or running
Additional Announcements:
Maribel Garza announced the CIMAS leadership camp called
“Encuentros” to connect Hispanic students to UT. She will find out more
information and let the chapter know how to get involved via the listserv.
Maribel had posted information about TRIO community affairs
interview show on KVRX, 91.7 (www.kvrx.org)
on Monday nights from 8:00 p.m. Sarah mentioned the show at the meeting to see
if the chapter might want to fill a slot to talk about the Immigration Forum and
our mission. Maribel will find out when there are open time slots for the show.
If you are interested in this contact Sarah (sabradley18@hotmail.com).
Margo announced that the Benson will be hosting A Viva Voz!
with Pat Mora on April 7, 2003, at 5:00 p.m. This will be the first of an annual
series to celebrate Latino culture. The format will be some readings from the
literature, a discussion of the work, and talk of community development. Margo
will send a notice to the listserv. She asks that we spread the word and
distribute widely to our colleagues. Margo also asked if she could borrow any
nice, clean books of Pat’s to put on display for the event. The books will be
locked in a case and kept safely. Please contact Margo (mgutierrez@mail.utexas.edu)
if you can donate any books.
Sarah mentioned the idea of getting a Spanish book club
going for this summer. Members present discussed a possible book. Paola
suggested the book be available in both English and Spanish so that readers have
the option if they feel their Spanish or English is not quite good enough. House
on Mango Street and short stories by Juan Rulfo were suggested. Sarah
suggested we read a contemporary work. We also would like to select a book that
is readily available in APL and in stores. Please contact Sarah (sabradley18@hotmail.com)
if you have any suggestions.
Margo announced that she would like to work on compiling
the children’s reading list this summer so that we can distribute the lists
widely to school librarian’s at the start of the school year this fall. We
will start with an elementary/middle school book list and grow from there.
Please contact Margo (mgutierrez@mail.utexas.edu)
if you have suggestions or would like to get involved in this project.
Paola announced that she is on the committee for
children’s books at the Texas Book Festival for 2004. The committee wants to
bring in authors who write in Spanish, please send suggestions to Paola (paola.ferate-soto@ci.austin.tx.us).
The next chapter meeting is May 20, 2003, at 3:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned 4:35 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sarah Bradley Leighton on March 30, 2003. Please submit amendments to the minutes to Sarah (sabradley18@hotmail.com).