El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Minutes for 24 July 2004 Meeting
15700 Ecorio Drive, Austin, TX 78727
1:00 p.m.
1. Welcome/Introductions - Maribel Garza (Sign-in sheet passed around)
2. Minutes from 15 November 2003 Meeting - Adán Benavides
3. Minutes from 22 May 2004 Meeting - Adán Benavides
4. Financial Report - Gustavo Soto
Old Business
5. Elections/Nomination committee - Paola Ferate-Soto
6. El Club de Conversación -
7. Día de los niños ~ Día de los libros 2004
8. Fund-raising ideas
New Business
9. Tejas REFORMA Cooperative - Elva Garza, Maribel Garza
10. Texas Hispanic Writers Booktalks: grant proposal to the Texas Council for the Humanities by Miriam Rodriguez of Reforma Rio Trinidad (Dallas chapter) - Maribel Garza
11. Schedule for next year's meetings - Maribel Garza
12. Additional Discussion Points and Announcements
In attendance: (10) Adán Benavides (UT Benson), Anna Paola Ferate-Soto
(APL), Maribel Garza (AISD, St. Elmo), Gustavo Soto (APL), Cassandra Treviño
(UT I-School), Diana Miranda-Murillo (UT-Ischool), Johanna Nigrelli (APL),
Margo Gutiérrez (UT-Benson), Bob Cárdenas (APL-Cataloguing),
Sean Hale (Guest).
1. Maribel called the meeting to order at 2:00 a.m.
2. Adán gave the minutes for 15 November 2003 meeting that had been
misplaced. Minutes approved unanimously.
3. Minutes for 22 May 2004 meeting approved as presented by Adán Benavides.
4. Gustavo announced that the chapter treasury has a balance of about $800.
He mentioned that the Bank charges $15 every month. He and Cassandra are going
to look for other options so Reforma does not have to lose that money every
Old Business
5. Elections/Nomination committee - Paola Ferate-Soto. There were not points of discussion about this topic.
6. El Club de Conversación. On August 7 2004, Paola and Gustavo will facilitate the meeting at Ruta Maya, 3601 South Congress. The following meeting is going to be on September 11, 2004 and the facilitator is going to be Joanna Nigrelli.
7. Día de los niños ~ Día de los libros 2004. Maribel asked IBM for funding.
8. Fund-raising ideas. A poetry night was suggested and Margo think that it would be good to have silent auctions. The Austin History Center is a possible location for this activity.
Paola proposed having a table at TLA to sell items like: shirts,
mugs, pins, etc.
Margo will find out about the cost of stamping T-shirts or bags.
Maribel and Cassandra are going to look for donations. Adán suggested asking for funding from companies like HEB and SSB. Joanna suggested Target to ask for finding for El día de los Niños el día de los Libros.
Joanna recommended including more information about El día
de los Niños el día de los Libros activity in the web site to
attract more donors.
New Business
9. Tejas REFORMA Cooperative - Elva Garza, Maribel Garza. Joanna is going to find out more information about this activity and how Reforma can be part of the Carmen Lomas Garza-Quinceañera activity.
10. Texas Hispanic Writers Booktalks: Maribel will look for more information about this grant, its requirements and how much money they offer. Some proposed authors are: Bryce Milligan and René Saldaña.
11. Schedule for next year's meetings - Maribel Garza: following meetings are going to be alternate between weekdays and weekends.
12. Additional Discussion Points and Announcements
· Reestablishing contact with lost members: One suggestion is to send
a letter asking if they are still interested in the organization and include
a membership form. Margo suggested sending them a picture of one of the current
Reforma members with a label saying, "We miss you!" Margo also suggested
comparing between the list of members that already paid their membership and
the ones that are in the electronic list and sending a letter and a membership
form to those that have not paid their fee. Maribel suggested asking with
Dr. Emilio Zamora to market El Corazón de Tejas in his class called
"Information Resources on, and Services for, Hispanic Americans."
The meeting adjourned at 3:10 pm.
The next chapter meeting is September 25th, 2004.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana Miranda-Murillo, 24 July 2004.