El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Minutes for 15 July 2006 Meeting
Windsor Park Library
2:00 pm- 3:00 pm
Welcome and Introductions:
Members Present: JoAnna Nigrelli, Irma Flores Manges, Jennifer Thomas, Bob
Cárdenas, Loriene Roy, Sara Albert, Paola Ferate-Soto, Gustavo Soto,
Maribel Garza, Don Boss, Derek Najera, Elva Garza
Minutes: The minutes from last meeting were approved.
Financial Report: Remains the same at $1,047.00
" Is the Chapter still under 501 (c) status? Paola contacted Sandra Balderrama
about Chapter's status. It seems that it is still under discussion at National
REFORMA, and if so, it will have a negative effect on Chapter's organization,
since some fundraisers might have been made under non-profit status.
" Membership dues, 2 more were received.
Old Business:
Officers positions filled for this year.
A proposal was brought to the floor for new officers: President: Gustavo; Vice President: Diana Miranda-Murrillo; Treasurer: Christine Bridges; Secretary: Alison Hicks
Officers were approved.
Niether Christine nor Alison were present.
New Business:
Metz 20 Anniversary event October 15. Don Boss requested support from our Chapter to support this event. Read to students. He wanted to bring 6-8 authors to read, and was searching funding for this. Irma Flores-Manges offered to help fund a writer from the Writers League of Texas. This writer will participate in a workshop for children during the anniversary.
Other ideas were presented to Don in support of this event Circle of Literatcy 2008.
The Barcelona Connection While Dr. Roy was in Barcelona, she said that they were interested in establishing a sister library relationship with the Austin Public Library. We thought it would be great so we decided to explore it. How could the Chapter get involved with this relationship between the Austin Public Library and Barcelona.
Also Dr. Roy spoke about her inauguration in Summer of 2007. She introduced Sara Albert as her assistant. She would be accepting nominations for ALA committees, if any one was interested. Let her know.
JCLC Dr. Roy brought brochures for Joint Conference Librarians of Color JCLC in Octorbe r 11-15 in Dallas. Elva and Irma would be attending.
Next Meeting: Cepeda, November Día de los Muertos reading event?