El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Minutes for 22 January 2005 Meeting
Guero's Taco Bar, 1412 S. Congress
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Attendance (17):
Maribel Garza, Rachel Rae, Joanna Nigrelli, Ron Pollock, Lorienne Roy, Cassandra
Treviño, Ashley García, Robert Logan, Margo Gutiérrez,
Jennifer Thomas, Bob Cárdenas, Irma Flores, Vanessa Chávez, Paola
Ferate-Soto, Gustavo Soto, Barbara Immroth, Diana Miranda-Murillo.
Reviewed minutes.
November 18, 2004 minutes approved
Financial Report:
Cassandra announced that the bank is not charging Reforma anymore since we are
a non-profit. Cassandra also said that Reforma was approved in Justgiving.com
as a non-profit organization that is going to use the system.
Texas Library Association Annual Meeting - April 5-8, 2005 in Austin
Organize an activity to promote Reforma at TLA: a party, silent auction during
social time or a booth with information about Reforma.
Guest Speaker
Ron Pollock, Career Services, Information School, University of Texas at Austin.
Club de Conversación
Club de Conversación is going to be on hold for two months (February
and March) because these two months are mostly full of activities and it would
be difficult to have people hosting and attending activities.
El Corazón de Tejas members' information collection
Information about the El Corazón de Tejas' members is being collected
to include in the Newsletter.
Next Meeting: Saturday May 21, 2005. Time and location to be announced.
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana Miranda-Murillo, 22/01/05.