El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Meeting Minutes for January 20, 2004
Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, Austin, TX
3:30 - 4:55 p.m.
In attendance: (11) Adán Benavides (UT Benson), Sarah Bradley-Leighton, Paola Ferate-Soto (APL), Irma Flores Manges (APL), Anita Fudell (APL), Margo Gutierrez (UT Benson), Pamela Mann (UT Benson), Diana Miranda, Tom Moran (APL), Gustavo Soto (APL), Jennifer Thomas (APL).
1. Bienvenida/Introductions – Paola Ferate Soto (Sign-in sheet passed around)
2. Approval of Minutes from 15 November 2003 Meeting delayed– Adán Benavides
3. Chapter Memberships and Financial Report – Gustavo Soto
Old Business
4. “En Mi Familia” Quilt Project – Paola Ferate Soto
· Report on past event
· Schedule
5. New Member’s Packet – Jennifer Thomas
6. Membership form– Jennifer Thomas
7. Dues for 2004 – Paola Ferate Soto
8. Chapter speakers for the year – Margo Gutiérrez and Group Discussion
9. Fund-raisers – Paola Ferate Soto
10. Children’s Book Lists – Margo Gutiérrez and Sarah Bradley-Leighton
New Business
11. ALA Midwinder – Group Discussion
12. Rolling Plains Regional Detention Center: Request for Spanish-language books – Margo Gutiérrez
13. Additional Discussion Points and Announcements
1. Paola called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
2. Adán reported that the minutes from the November 2003 meeting are delayed until further notice since the notes have been mislaid.
3. Gustavo announced that the chapter treasury has a balance of about $750.
There has been little activity noting the monthly $15 bank charge. Gustavo noted
that 5 members had renewed. He encouraged all members to promptly get
appropriate forms to renew their membership through forms available on the web
site. Forms and checks to be sent to Gustavo who will forward the forms to
REFORMA National.
Old Business
4. “En Mi Familia” Quilt project. Paola and other members commented on the reception for the project at the Children’s Museum. Nine quilts had resulted from the APL workshops held at various libraries. The quilts will be shown at the Austin History Center and at the Little Walnut Branch Library in March 2004. Later, they may be available through the Main Library.
5-6. New Member packets and membership form. Jennifer and Maribel have made 10 packets for distribution to new members. Additionally some 50 outreach handouts will be copied. The members agreed to allocate $75 for supplies so that information could be distributed at TLA in San Antonio beginning 17 March 2004. Members are to use the national form for registration, but it should be sent to the local chapter for processing.
7. Dues for 2004. Dues are due, and all members are encouraged to renew their memberships as soon as possible.
8. Chapter speakers for the year. Margo Gutiérrez noted the success of having Prof. Emilio Zamora of the School for Information, The University of Texas at Austin, at our November meeting. She suggested, and the membership agreed, to have Diana Miranda speak about LANIC, Latin American Network Information Center, at our next meeting. The members would be notified about the web address so that it could be reviewed before the March presentation. Jill Goldman’s new position at San Antonio Public Library will necessitate some careful scheduling of our meeting so that she may talk to us about public libraries in Oaxaca, where she interned last summer. It was suggested that we ask her to come to our meeting on Saturday, 22 May 2004.
9. Fund-raisers. Paola mentioned that it was especially important for us to raise money for scholarship funds. Various suggestions were made including having a dance or music venue with bands, looking into rental or use of Fiesta Garden (part of the Austin Parks Department), having an event at Ruta Maya (Jennifer would inquire about this possibility), and getting Steve Reich to perform.
10. Children’s book lists. Margo reported that much work had been done in developing the first lists, especially the contributions by Sarah. Discussion followed on distribution of the lists through our web site as well as notifying appropriate groups of their availability through national REFORMA, Elizabeth Polk, YALSA (part of ALA), TLA, and central Texas libraries, both public and schools. Other distribution could be through e-mail, listservs, and presentations by the membership to school libraries. It was also noted that the lists should be distributed with appropriate copyright notice.
New Business
11. ALA midwinter. Little was discussed owing to the absence of Patricia Clark.
12. Rolling Plains Regional Detention Center. This center located north of Abilene had contacted Margo about acquiring Spanish languages books for the inmates. Margo reported that several books had been donated, but asked us to give more if possible. She will mail the first books to the center soon.
13. Additional discussion and announcements.
a. Do some of the members want to get together to practice conversational Spanish?
b. David Rice would be reading at the Benson Collection’s ¡A Viva Voz! Latino cultural series on Tuesday, 23 March, 4:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. The next chapter meeting is 24 March 2004, Nuevo León Restaurant, 1501 East 6th Street, Austin, TX, Noon. Minutes respectfully submitted by Adán Benavides, 24 March 2004.