El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
for 14 January 2006 Meeting
Windsor Park Branch Library - Austin Public Library
Welcome and Introductions:
Members Present: Irma Flores Manges, Alison Hicks (i-school),
Jennifer Thomas, Bob Cárdenas, Loriene Roy, Paola Ferate-Soto, JoAnna
Nigrelli, Gustavo Soto, Maribel Garza and guest speaker Elizabeth Campbell.
Minutes: The minutes from last meeting were approved.
Financial Report: Remains the same at $1,047.00
· Is the Chapter still under 501 (c) status? Paola contacted Sandra
Balderrama about Chapter's status. It seems that it is still under discussion
at National REFORMA, and if so, it will have a negative effect on Chapter's
organization, since some fundraisers might have been made under non-profit
· Membership dues, 2 more were received.
Old Business: Officers positions filled for this year.
Paola Ferate-Soto, Treasurer; Gustavo, Secretary; Vice President vacant.
JoAnna said that Derek, a library student, e-mailed her about wanting to get more involved with the organization.
Recruitment ideas: Ask Margo and Adán Benavides about posting to list serve at UT. Gustavo also to post to i-school list serve.
New Business:
TLA UT ischool $300.00 stipend, deadline is February 10 at 5 p.m. Students must e-mail and request interest in drawing.
ALA Midwinter in San Antonio January 20-25, Margo, JoAnna, Irma, Elva, Paola, Gustavo will attend.
IMLS Grant 2006, Dr. Roy commented that the UT ischool is working with Tom Moran in writing a grant with Austin Public Library $350,000 to promote students to finance their studies to get a library degree.
Día de los niños/día de los libros update, Elva said that next meeting would be next week on Wednesday at St John. She said that Spanish newspaper Ahora Sí is interested in sponsoring the event and would bring additional funding that could make this a weeklong event at different locations. Bring regional REFORMA officers, storytellers, and authors. Loriene is on the DDLA committee along with Pat Mora.
Dr. Roy said that CMAS (Center for Mexican American Studies) is having a 30-year
anniversary, and ischool can host an event for Latino librarians sometime
in February, and this could be a recruitment tool.
The Chapter also voted uananimously to endorse Loriene Roy for ALA President. Loriene's website is www.lorieneroy.com and she also has a blog. [inserted by Joanna Nigrelli]
The ischool has an alumni list database where we could invite people to come, El Corazon would be invited and just choose a date in February. It was agreed that a Saturday at 3:00 p.m. at ischool would be a good date. We should contact librarians from i-school to attend: Bob Cardenas, Maribel Garza, Diana Miranda, and Cassandra Trevino.
Texas Writer League 25 anniversary party will be held at Stubbs,
Free Beer and B-Q.
Live music from Chevelles. Saturday, January 29 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m., donations
are $10.00.
Next Meeting will be at Terrazas Library, if opened? 1105 E Cesar Chavez. Or if closed, at Cepeda 651 N. Pleasant Valley Rd. March 6 at 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Guest Speaker: Elizabeth Campbell
She is involved in a program to provide a library to a rural
community in Guanajuato, Mexico. Located in north of Mexico City. This library
would serve 600 children, since library services are only for students enrolled
at the university. She is asking for blankets, socks, and books donation for
children. She is also asking for contact that could support this project.
Literacy Austin Mcgraw- Hill could provide support. Loriene asked if she knew
the demographics of indigenous population. Elzabeth said she would need to
research that issue. Capstone students could help in summer.
Elizabeth thanked everyone for letting her speak. Her email address is eacvision@yahoo.com