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El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Meeting Minutes for September 24, 2002
Lee Benson Latin American Collection, Austin, TX
4:10 p.m. - 5:05 p.m.
attendance: (15)
Benavides (UT Benson)
Bradley-Leighton (GSLIS, UT Benson, LBJ)
Clarke (McLennan County/Waco Public Library)
Flores-Manges (Austin Public Library)
Fudell (APL), Elva Garza (APL)
Goldman (UT GSLIS, UT Benson)
Gomez (GSLIS, UT Benson)
Gutierrez (UT Benson)
Moran (APL)
Reich (APL)
Rivera (UT Benson)
Villarreal Shook (St. Stephen’s School)
Ferate-Soto (APL)
Soto (APL)
Sean Sutcliffe (MC/WPL)
1. Bienvenidos/Introductions – Elva Garza
· Sign-in sheet will be passed around
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes from July 23, 2002 – Elva Garza
3. Chapter Financial Report – Gustavo Soto
· Discussion of future chapter fundraisers
4. Report on the Spanish Discussion of “Bless Me Ultima” – Gustavo Soto
· Discussion tonight at 7:00 p.m. Oak Hill Branch Library
· Discussion of the chapter hosting more book discussions at Terrazas en español
5. Report of the 16 de septiembre events – Paola Ferate-Soto
Central Texas Library Services Regional Meeting – Elva Garza
Friday, September 27, 2002 in Giddings
7. Chapter participation in the Rudolfo Anaya’s discussion – Elva Garza
· Fiesta Gardens, Wednesday, October 23 at 7:00 p.m.
8. Planning another event like the Immigration Forum for the spring – Elva Garza
9. Committee Reports
· Membership/Publicity
· Professional Development
· Fundraising
· Mentoring
Additional Announcements
1. Elva welcomed everyone. Invited everyone to enjoy
the drinks and the cake brought to celebrate Margo’s promotion to Assistant
Head of the Benson Collection. Everyone present introduced himself or herself.
We had three new faces: Jill Goldman is a GSLIS student and works in circulation
at the Benson Latin American Collection. Irma Villarreal Shook worked as a Wired
for Youth Lifeguard this summer and is a student in the North Texas library
program. She currently works at St. Stephen’s School. Monica Rivera works in
the Rare Books Room at the Benson. We welcome our new members.
2. The group approved the minutes from the July 23
meeting except for a spelling change to Patricia Clark’s last name. There is
no “e” at the end of Clark. Sarah Bradley-Leighton stated that the meeting
minutes are posted on the chapter website. Feel free to contact her about any
corrections to the minutes.
3. Gustavo reported on chapter funds and distributed
a balance sheet. There is currently $566.65 in the chapter account. The chapter
made $157.53 at the 16 de septiembre celebration at Plaza Saltillo on Sunday,
September 15. REFORMA did face painting – thank you to Paola and Julissa.
Banderitas made with red, green, and white beads on safety pins were sold, and
spin art allowed the kids to make art. Thank you to everyone involved in that
activity. Elva said it was a good experience even though it was not a huge
fundraiser. Paola noted that she saw a button maker at an event this weekend and
we may want to think about getting one to do at our next event like 16 de
Elva then raised the subject of the next fund-raising
event for the chapter. The poetry and music evening held last year was mentioned
and the group decided it would be a good idea if we could find a good venue.
Irma Villarreal Shook said she would look into the St. Stephen’s Fine Arts
Center as a venue. The school might let us use the space for the evening. She
will ask her supervisor and let us know. It was decided we would have the event
the first week of December, probably on December 7, 2002, from 6:00 p.m. –
9:00 p.m. Members present at the meeting volunteered to take charge of the
following areas:
Food – Margo (We will have a “potluck” theme
like last year.)
Venue – Irma (She is checking on St. Stephen’s.)
Publicity – Sarah (We will contact the Hispanic
Network and use the guest book from last year to start the invitation list.
Everyone is encouraged to send suggestions.)
Talent Recruitment – Gustavo (Will notify last
year’s participants and recruit new talent.)
Julissa and Anita also volunteered to help where
needed. Anyone interested in this planning committee will meet on their own to
execute the event. If any members not present are interested in helping, they
can contact any chapter officer and they will put you in touch with the
appropriate member.
4. The Spanish discussion of “Bless me Ultima” at
the Terrazas Branch went well. Steve and Gustavo hosted the group and members of
the community were there. The branch would like to host more discussions in
Spanish. The next proposed title to discuss is “Llano en Llamas” by Juan
Rulfo. Steve’s concern is having enough copies for the community to read. If
anyone has any suggestions about getting multiple copies please contact him.
Sarah suggested checking with the UT CO-Op since they purchase classic Spanish
books for university classes. Paola mentioned she has a list of books in Spanish
for reading groups and will pass that on to Steve. The discussion will be
advertised in Spanish language media and in the branch.
5. Item 5 was covered during Agenda Item 3.
6. Elva will have a table at the CTLS meeting in
Giddings with brochures and our banner. Irma will also be attending and
volunteered to help distribute flyers in the afternoon.
7. The group agreed that El Corazón should have a
presence at the Anaya event on October 23 at Fiesta Gardens. Jill, Steve, Margo,
Anita, Sarah, and Elva volunteered to help host a table at the event. Margo
suggested we have a raffle for a signed set of Anaya books. Irma will check to
see if we can have a fund-raising activity at the event and she will get the
books signed by Rudolfo Anaya. If we are unable to do the raffle, we will host a
table and distribute reading lists. Margo also suggested that the raffle could
be opened to REFORMA National and we might do the raffle even if it is not for
the event at Fiesta Gardens. Elva knows someone who can print raffle tickets for
us and will ask him to do so if we go forward. It was also suggested that
BookPeople might be willing to donate books for the raffle.
8. The group discussed having another Immigration
Forum. Elva mentioned that it is a big undertaking around the same time as Día
de los Niños. It is a huge time commitment and without the help of a student or
the membership at large, it would be a hard task to accomplish. The group agreed
but expressed its desire to continue upon the theme in some way. It was
suggested that our event be folded into the Día activities by organizing
organizations to appear and distribute literature on immigration and related
social service issues. There are many undocumented families that attend Día and
it would be an excellent venue to share the information we shared at the forum.
The discussion of book donations came up. Adán suggested that a publishing
contact he has might be willing to donate their surplus Spanish textbooks and
materials. He will contact them and let us know. Furthermore, El Corazón would
like to host a smaller workshop more focused on library staff and community
immigrant issues.
9. Elva mentioned that at the last meeting members
were encouraged to sign up for committees and asked if the committees have
reports to make. Elva will send out an e-mail to remind people what they
volunteered to do. Committees are encouraged to meet and discuss activities
outside of chapter meetings. Those who did not attend the meeting are encouraged
to choose a committee or committees in which they would like to be involved, and
to e-mail the chapter discussion list at el-corazon-de-tejas@lists.cc.utexas.edu.
Julissa mentioned that she would like to stuff the mailboxes at GSLIS with Corazón
brochures. Sarah will help. Elva will get the needed copies of brochures.
Professional Development:
Sarah mentioned the Carnegie-Whitney Award through ALA that provides grants for
the preparation and publication of popular or scholarly reading lists as an
opportunity for the chapter to fund its efforts to generate the reading lists we
have discussed producing. The group encouraged applying. Sarah will research the
grant further and draft a proposal if the chapter is eligible. Patricia
mentioned that her library has a grant writer on staff and offered her help in
looking the proposal over. Adán also volunteered his editing service. The
deadline for application is November 11, 2002.
Fundraising: No report. See earlier minutes regarding poetry
evening and book raffle.
Mentoring: Margo reported that she contacted Ron Pollock at
GSLIS about Corazón’s interest in mentoring students. Ron returned her e-mail
right away and she will be having lunch to discuss this next week. She invited
us to let her know what we would like her to discuss with him. Elva suggested we
find out what GSLIS expects from mentors. The group present mentioned that
mentoring could be as much or as little as an e-mail, a tour of their workplace,
and a coffee chat. Mentoring does not mean offering the person a specific
project or a job. Those present at the meeting who are interested in being
mentors are: Elva, Irma, Steve, Anita, Patricia, Paola, and Margo. Patricia will
gather the ALA material on mentoring and share it with Margo for the meeting
with Ron.
10. Adán requested that the chapter send him our
mailing list as the Benson would like to invite our contacts to the celebration
of the 75th Anniversary of the Benson Collection. Numerous
announcements were made about upcoming community events. Notices for these
events often circulate on the chapter listserv.
Margo invited us all to her house for wine and cheese on Friday, October 11 at 7:00 p.m. Her address is 4612 Arapahoe Trail 78745 441-3809. We will discuss the October 23 event at Fiesta Gardens, the poetry evening in December, and enjoy good company! Margo will provide the wine, some bread and cheese, you bring the rest. Bring someone with you if you like. RSVP to Margo, NOT TO LISTSERV at mgutierrez@mail.utexas.edu
Next meeting: Benson Latin American
Collection on November 19, 2002, from 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Minutes were respectfully submitted by Sarah
Bradley-Leighton on September 24, 2002.