El Corazón de Tejas-Central Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Corazón de Tejas: Central Chapter of REFORMA
2003-2004 Annual Report
Our big work this year was the En Mi Familia: a Family Quilt Project. The
quilt, a collaboration between El Corazón de Tejas: Central Texas Chapter
of REFORMA, The Austin Public Library, and the Austin Children's Museum was
spearheaded by Paola Ferate-Soto with the help of tireless Corazón
members, Austin Public Library staff and several volunteers. Local workshops
were held at the same time that the Children's Museum hosted their exhibit
of the artist/author Carmen Lomas Garza's work titled "En Mi Familia,"
from September to November coinciding in part with Latino Heritage Month.
We held the workshops at seven Austin Public Library Branches, two senior
centers and a community park (during 16 de Septiembre festivities). We held
additional workshops and enlisted the help of Americorp members and senior
activity center participants in "tying" the quilt. In order to fund
part of the cost for this project we obtained donations from local craft stores.
Some Corazón members also donated materials or money towards the purchase
of materials.
The intention of this project was to record an event in the lives of the participating families by having them depict it on fabric. Participants choose a family memory, drew it in the square, and decorated it with fabric paint, sequins, buttons, ribbon, fabric, etc. They could attend one event, or they could come to the whole series and continue working on their squares. The squares from all participating families were then joined together by Corazón members and other volunteers, into several quilts and exhibited in area libraries, the Austin history Center and the Austin's Children's museum.
Our second big endeavor this year was the production of our first suggested
book list: Temas Latinos: Suggested Children's Books Grades K-3
Margo Gutierrez spearheaded this project. With the help of several members
the list was compiled. Sarah Bradley-Leighton edited the list and completed
the annotations. It is now available at our website at: http://www.main.org/reforma/Lists/readinglist.html
and it can be downloaded as either a PDF or a Word document. Anyone can use
this, provided they credit El Corazón de Tejas.
Jennifer Thomas with the help of Maribel Garza put together our New Member
Packets as well as our Recruiting Handout". The New Member Packets include
a pen with our logo, a brochure of our chapter, a general information sheet
with a list of officers, listserv and distribution list instructions and a
list of our regular meetings; a membership list; our chapter's Constitution
and Bylaws; a list of chapter accomplishments; a mentor application form (to
mentor UT library science students); a REFORMA membership application and
an example of a REFORMA newsletter. It also includes "La declaración
de los derechos de las bibliotecas", "Why buy Books in Spanish"
by Al Milo (reproduced with permission), Library Vocabulary in Spanish, Dewey
Decimal in Spanish, Links / Enlaces del Web, and our bibliography: "Temas
Latinos". The Recruiting Handout is an abbreviated version of the New
Member Folders to be distributed at library conferences and other events.
As part of the "Mayor's Book Club, 2003" El Corazón de Tejas
purchased 10 Spanish language copies of "Holes" / "Hoyos"
and donated them to the Austin Public Library. This was done in order to create
a Spanish version of the City's reading campaign. Gustavo Soto, Steve Reich,
and Paola Ferate-Soto hosted a discussion group in Spanish on the book at
one of the local branches.
Several speakers were invited to our regular meetings to keep us abreast of
professional work done in our diverse field. Mr. Emilio Zamora came to our
November meeting and spoke about Mexican-Americans in Texas, and his work
at the Benson Latin American Collection.
Diana Miranda-Murillo from the "Latin American Information Center" (LANIC) www.lanic.utexas.edu spoke about LANIC and what her work there entails. It is a great resource of electronic information on Latin America.
This year we celebrated Austin's 6th Annual celebration. El Corazón
was once again one of the sponsors of this event by donating $300 and by providing
volunteers. This year we had a poetry tent booth with magnetic poetry in English
and in Spanish. Our members also aided in collecting a survey of participants
of what they would like to see in their public library.
Jennifer Thomas organized this conversation club. We are starting to meet
once a month at a local café to have a conversation session in Spanish
about issues related to the library field and anything else that is of current
interest. The conversations are facilitated by fluent Spanish speakers and
are for the benefit of colleagues that would like to practice their conversational
Spanish in a "no pressure" setting.
Respectfully submitted,
Anna Paola Ferate-Soto
June 2004