El Corazón de Tejas-Central
Texas Chapter of REFORMA |
Central Texas Immigrants:
Issues They Face, Resources to Assist Them
Saturday, May 11, 2002
8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Austin Community College Rio Grande Campus
Registration is free, but space is limited to 200! Register Early!
To register for the forum please complete this form (PDF Format) and mail it to us.
(To download Adobe Acrobat Reader visit http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html)
Or send an e-mail to: el_corazon_reforma@hotmail.com
Please include this information in your e-mail:
Step 1:
Full Name
Mailing address
Phone Number (Please specify if work or home)
Fax number
Preferred e-mail address
Step 2:
Let us know which two panels you are most interested in attending.
Choose two of the following: Education/Libraries, Health/Social Services, Housing, Employment, Immigration Law, Police/Safety.
This will not guarantee a space in the panel of your choice, but we will do our best to accommodate you.
Step 3:
Please, share with us any questions you may have about working with immigrant clientele.
We will submit your questions to the appropriate panelists to address.
Thank you for registering!
You will receive a confirmation e-mail in the next 48 hours!
Forum Main Page
Schedule of Events
Keynote Speaker Information
Speaker Information
Organization Fair Information
Continuing Education Credit Information
ACC Rio Grande Campus Information
For more information, please call Jennifer Thomas at 512/974-7547 or
Thank you to our community partners:
Austin Public Library
Austin Community College - Rio Grande Campus
H-E-B Grocery Stores - Austin Community Outreach
El Corazón de Tejas Home
Page Author: Sarah Bradley-Leighton
Created: February 2, 2002
Updated: May 2, 2002