"Are you ready"

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Table of Contents:

  • Background on Emergency Planning
  • City of Austin Emergency Planning
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Other sites on Terrorist Threats

    Background on Emergency Planning

    The purpose of this page is to highlight web links related to neighborhood security with respect to natural and other possible disasters, with emphasis on terrorist threats. Presentation of these links on one page shortens the time that you might take to drill down to those pages that are of most interest.

    The Federal Government as well as the City have posted informative web sites that relate to both Natural and Man-made disasters.   We invite your examination of these topics closely and ask "How can NPENA Neighborhood watch program be effective in coping with any disaster."   The objective of this page is to share information on how to protect ourselves, as well as others around us, if a disaster affects our city.  Fear of terrorist threats may seem real or imaginary, but those who are prepared have less to fear that those who fail to take any action at all.

    As you may be aware, our own Austin area may have been identified as a possible terrorist target. We need to take such warnings seriously, by giving it some of our attention.

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    City of Austin Emergency Planning

    Austin Disaster Ready Plan  Emergency Information links:
  • Hazards in Austin: Natural Hazards: 12 areas of Natural Hazards are covered Man-made Hazards: Six areas are covered including:

  • Terrorism Hazard
  • Before Terrorism

    Notice at the bottom of the page are links for:
  • Before A Disaster
  • During a Disaster
  • After A Disaster

    The city makes available other references including:
    Austin/Travis County Emergency Conditions Information Page

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    Federal Emergency Management Agency

  • Preparedness Guides and Links  FEMA's site Preparedness Guides: selection of which are listed below FYI:

  • Your Family Disaster Plan  FEMA'S Acrobat PDF document Family Disaster Plan  - Provides guidelines and instructions to help families develop a disaster plan. Also available in Spanish.

  • Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit  FEMA'S Acrobat PDF document 
    - - Provides a checklist of emergency supplies that should be kept in the home and contained in a Disaster Supplies Kit. Also available in Spanish.

  • Emergency Preparedness Checklist Federal Emergency  FEMA'S Acrobat PDF document 
    - - Provides a checklist of suggested disaster preparedness steps and activities. Also available in Spanish.

  • Preparing for Emergencies:    FEMA'S Acrobat PDF document 
    - - Preparing for Emergencies - A Checklist for People with Mobility Problems - Provides information specific to people with limited mobility including children, people with disabilities, and the elderly.

  • Food and Water in an Emergency     FEMA'S Acrobat PDF document 
    - - Explains how to choose food for an emergency kit, emergency cooking, water treatment, where to locate emergency water, and how to store emergency food and water supplies in the home.

  • Helping Children Cope with Disaster     Provides information on how to prepare children prior to disaster and how to lessen the emotional effects of disaster. Also available in Spanish.

  • Preparedness Coloring Book 26 pages For ages 3-10.     An excellent means for preparing your children for most emergencies.  Also available in Spanish.

    Other Preparedness Links:
    1.   FEMA for Kids   An excellent means for preparing your children for most emergencies.  Also available in Spanish.

    2.   FEMA Library  

      FEMA's Online Library is divided into four sections. In each section, you will find reference materials, publications, maps, photographs, audio clips and video clips.

      FEMA Information
      Information about FEMA and FEMA Operations.

      Preparation & Prevention
      Materials to help you prepare and prevent damage as a result of a disaster or emergency.

      Disasters & Emergencies
      Records of disasters and emergencies recorded in the United States.

      Response & Recovery
      What to do when a disaster or emergency occurs in your local area.

    3.   Citizen Corps  

    4.   CERT  

    5.   Be Ready  
      a) Get a Kit of emergency supplies.
      b) Make A Plan of what you will do in an emergency.
      c) Be informed about what might happen.

    6.   National Weather Service  Comprensive site for National Weather Service you can use daily

    7.   U.S. Geological Survey  Science for a Changing World

    8.   American Red Cross  

  •   American Red Cross  American Red Cross Poll Finds Public Less Prepared Only one in ten American households has a family emergency plan, disaster kit, and first aid and CPR training

  •   American Red Cross Services  Including Disaster and Biochemical Services.

  •   fema.gov Source page for the above.  Home » Preparedness » Preparedness Guides and Links:  Preparing the Nation for all Hazzards.

  •   CERT training Overview   Conclusion:  
    CERT is about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety, and doing the greatest good for the greatest number.  CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens will be initially on their own and their actions can make a difference.  Through training, citizens can manage utilities and put out small fires; treat the three killers by opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating for shock; provide basic medical aid; search for and rescue victims safely; and organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective.   Also available in Spanish.

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  • A "WOW"   LIST  The Top 100 Terrorist Targets in the United States.
  • A "WOW"   Significant Terrorist Incidents,   1961-2003: A Brief Chronology
  • A Welcome to the   Terrorism Research Center, Inc.  Founded in 1996, the Terrorism Research Center, Inc. (TRC) is an independent institute dedicated to the research of terrorism, information warfare and security, critical infrastructure protection, homeland security, and other issues of low-intensity political violence and gray-area phenomena.  The TRC represents a new generation of terrorism and security analysis, combining expertise with technology to maximize the scope, depth and impact of our research for practical implementation.

  • news 8  Terrorists considered plan to poison water supplies 8/12/2004 12:37 PM By: Associated Press

  • US News Imagining the worst   By Kevin Whitelaw >>8/16/04>>

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