North Park Estates

Neighborhood Assoc.


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association was held at the home of Maria Mayer on October 8, 2002. In attendance were:  Jessica Currie, Larie and Sam Amsler, AJ Walker, Ed Peterson, Preston Cooke, Dale Seller and Maria Mayer.  The President, Jessica Currie, called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m.




1.        The adult club on I-35 & Braker has reopened as Spice, no new construction observed by Jessica.  It seems to continue operating as a modeling studio.


2.        Entrance signs- issue tabled until Oracle settles in.



  1. Jessica also noted a new business called Millennium advertising itself as a video game arcade for adults only on Kramer where the Jack Brown Cleaners used to be. Only a hand written sign observed, no traffic going into it.   Jessica reported it to NACA (Austin Civic Assoc – an organization developed by the city counsel in ’68). Jessica has not heard back from NACA


  1. As a courtesy to the neighborhood association Oracle has shared with AJ their plans to build an iron fence from N Lamar to N Bend. They are required to have high security because they are contracting with the US government.  Pictures of the type of fence and color choices were shared with the Board.  It was agreed that the fence is acceptable.  They also agreed to clean up the shrubs area without affecting our sign. Jessica will write a letter introducing us to Oracle and relaying the Board’s agreement to the project.  Construction is to begin ASAP.


  1. Jessica appointed AJ Chairman of the Zoning Committee and gave him the authority to deal with Oracle directly.


  1. AJ reported that neighbor Charles Johnston has been in contact with the City requesting that the City takes care of the fence area on Braker.  He reports John Foster as his contact in Parks and Recreation.  According to Mr. Johnston, the City is coming to de-brush and clean the area.  They can make it part of the hike and bike trail and if that is the case we might be able to get a concrete fence.  The Board agrees with Mr. Johnston’s efforts.  It was suggested that we establish contact with Mr. Foster to verify efforts and follow up.  It was agreed that Jessica would take care of locating Mr. Foster.


  1. Dale Seller:  Brought up various issues: 


the neglected home on Apollo St. Oil has been thrown in to the pool.  Mr. Johnston called the health dept. The house is now vacant.


Arrow Svc center- old Plato.  Limo service is in the back. Dale concerned about permits AJ thinks they went around and obtained the proper permits. 


Used Appliance store, new owners took over.  They might still be leasing.  Looks good and clean.


  1. Treasurer’s report:  As of October 8, 2002 the balance on the account is $1187.46.


  1. Larie reminder everyone of the next Commander’s forum October 24, 7pm –St Johns’ Community Center, 300 Blessing Ave.


  1. Newsletter to be published in October 2002.  There should be a reminder to owners of rental property.  Also mention the web site and the forum. It was agreed to specify the distribution area to Board members delivering the newsletter. Larie suggested making 225 copies.


  1. Ordinance related to cars parked on the lawn is applicable to our neighborhood.  Will notify neighbors through the October newsletter. It was suggested to add a link from our web site to the city where there is a detailed explanation of the law.


  1.  Next meeting scheduled for November 19, 6:00, Location at Dale’s Sellers

 at 1106 Gemini.



Meeting Adjourned: 7:30 p.m.



Minutes submitted by: 


Maria Mayer-  






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