North Park Estates

Neighborhood Assoc.


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association was held at The Amsler’s home on July 30, 2002. In attendance were:  Jessica Currie, Larie and Sam Amsler, AJ, Ed Peterson, Preston Cooke and Maria Mayer.  The President, Jessica Currie, called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m.





1.      August 6 –2002 National Night Out – Arrangements have been made to held a neighborhood get-together at 1101 Space, at 7:00p.m., every one is invited.  Signs will be placed at both entrances to the neighborhood.


2.      Treasurer’s report- Larie Amsler reported the balance in the account to date is $1,184.21 


3.      Discussion about purchasing permanent signs to the neighborhood entrance was tabled to allow time for the Board to measure, come up with ideas and seek an estimated cost.


4.      Web site -  Every one congratulated and thanked Sam for the wonderful job he has done with the web site.  We hope to be able to advertise the web site when the permanent signs are added to the entrances and on the next newsletter.


5.      Sewer Hook-ups – It was discussed that there are several neighbors that still have not hooked up to the city line


6.      Adult Sexually Oriented business on Frontage Rd around Braker - MOTION by AJ for our association to support the efforts of other neighborhood associations and business closer to the proposed site to discourage the building of this type of establishment in this area.

Discussion- The Board discussed that the proximity to the Rundberg area, currently one of the highest or highest crime areas in the city would only bring the problem closer to our neighborhood.  Jessica has talked to the manager of the GolfSmith and they are waiting to hear from the owner.

Larie Amsler seconded the motion.  Motion passed.


7.      The issue of flooding in a number of houses in this area, brought up at the web site forum, was discussed.  Some houses flood in Eubanks during very heavy rain, backing up water into their garages.  This issue had been brought up to past board members and the County was going to do something about it but a past president blocked the initiative.  Jessica will look closer into this issue and try to find out what department within the City can look into this problem.


8.      Traffic Calming-  The city has agreed to move the center lane barrier at North Bend closer to the intersection with Braker.  Every one agrees that is a much better location allowing for parking in front of AJ’s house.


9.      Larie shared with Board members the latest on the criminal reports for the neighborhood.


Meeting Adjourned: 8:00 p.m.



Minutes submitted by: 


Maria Mayer-  




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