North Park Estates Neighborhood Assoc.

Annual Meeting May 4, 2002

The annual membership meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association was held at Mrs. Johnson’s home at the East end of Old Braker Lane. The President, Jessica Currie, called the meeting to order at 11:40 a.m.

OLD BUSINESS: Due to lack of quorum during the October 2001 meeting the election of officers was suspended and it was agreed for officers to continue in their positions until May 2002.


  1. James Sylvester from the Travis County Sheriff’s office-Domestic Violence addressed the well-attended meeting. The office at 1106 Clayton Ln is looking for volunteers. For additional information or to volunteer, call James at 974-8554. For information on the auto anti-theft program call 854-9770. A request was made to donate your old mobile phones (with charger) to the Domestic Violence Unit. Contact James for information.
  2. Treasurer’s report- Larie Amsler has been collecting the $5 annual membership dues prior to and during the meeting. The balance in the account to date is $1,173.19. Larie also made available for members to review a print out of a police report showing incidents in the area.
  3. MOTION by Maria Mayer, 1107 Rebecca, to amend bylaws so the annual membership meeting, beginning May 2002, will take place during the month of May instead of October and to be combined with the annual picnic. Mr. Leite seconded the motion. Motion passed.
  4. MOTION by AJ to extend the term of the officers in the Board for the year 2002 so next elections can be held in May 2003. Mr. Leite seconded the motion. Motion passed.
  5. The floor was open for nominations for a Member at Large position vacated by Cindy Johnson. David Moon, from 11501 Satellite was nominated for the position.

    Jessica Currie, President Margaret Sammis, Vice President

    Maria Mayer, Secretary Larie Amsler, Treasurer


    AJ Walker Dale Sellers Carol Fritz Ed Pederson Preston Cooke
    Tom Miner David Moon

    Motion seconded by Mr. Leite. Motion passed.

  7. Traffic Calming- The floor was open for discussion about the project in progress. The City refuses to add a 4 stop sign as the intersection of Eubanks and North Bend does not meet the criteria established due to traffic and number of reported accidents. Jessica explained that the current stakes are temporary to get drivers to notice the markings on the road. Concerns were raised regarding safety due to the lack of space for pedestrians and bicycle riders. The resident of the house in front of the medium strongly complaint that the plan, as it is right now, prevents her visitors from parking in front of her house. Other neighbors suggested adding signs such as "no through traffic" and reduced the speed limit. Other neighbor suggested a petition to the city requesting the 4 way stop sign as it would be cost effective.

    The consensus was that the median was not appropriate or safe for pedestrians or bicyclists at that location. The median could possibly be located to the east and only speed cushion used at the current location or remove the median from the plan and just use speed cushions. Jessica agreed to communicate the concerns to Peter Marsh.

    As part of the project Jessica announced that the city has indicated that there are plans to make a right lane turn on Braker Lane and Lamar and to adjust the timing of the traffic light. There are also plans for a median and speed cushions on Austin Park but is being delayed to widen the road three feet and add curbs and gutters.

  8. Zoning- Jessica announced that the apartment complex to be built in Lamar will be Condo\Townhome. Walnut Creek Neighborhood Association is working with Adopt a Park to add a park and trail along Walnut Creek at the end of Oakwood Dr as part of the trails system. There may soon be opportunities to re-zone the existing "ugly" business at Lamar. Jessica asked for members to start thinking what kind of business we want as neighbors. Jessica suggested a sit down restaurant and donut shop sharing parking space, but oppose to drive through chains.
  9. Jessica announced plans to create a website for the organization and requested volunteers.
  10. Karen Sonliter, County Commissioner, District 258 addressed the crowd by introducing herself to the neighbors and being available to listen to individual concerns during the luncheon.
  11. At 12:20 the meeting was adjourned and the buffet line was opened to enjoy the delicious dishes brought by the neighbors and the customary tasty BBQ from AJ. Thanks AJ!

Minutes submitted by:

Maria Mayer- Secretary - 339-0738

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