North Park Estates News

Volume 2, Issue 3

November 22, 2003



Holiday Celebration/ Neighborhood Watch

Kick Off


Tuesday, December 16

6:30-8:30 P.M.

South End of Eubank

At Old Braker Lane

Join us for Hot Chocolate, Christmas carols, and Neighborhood Watch Information.  Bring the entire family.  The neighborhood association will rent an inflatable slide for the kids to enjoy.  We will invite a representative of the Austin Police Department to Speak regarding crime prevention and Neighborhood Watch.  In order to have an active Neighborhood Watch we need everyone possible  to attend an information session, so we have sandwiched it between hot chocolate and announcing the winners of the Holiday decorations contest with a side of inflatable fun for the kids. 

Mark your



Operation Candy Cane:    It has been suggested that we attempt to place a decorative candy cane (3 foot size)  next to every mailbox in the neighborhood.  A unified decorating element can make a charming addition to the neighborhood and show unified community spirit.  The Plastic candy canes are available at Garden Ridge, Wal-Mart , and many other places for less than $2.00.   Any complete street with a candy at every mailbox will be recognized at the Holiday Celebration.




Special points of interest:

·     Pflugerville Schools Thanksgiving Holiday-November 26-28

·     Pflugerville Schools Winter Break December 19– Jan 6

·     Neighborhood Holiday Celebration– Tuesday -December 16th 6:30-8:30 p.m.

·   Austin Police Department offers a free home security survey to identify  possible security risks at your home and may help you qualify for a discount on your insurance.

Inside this issue:



Holiday Decorations Contest


Board Contact Info


Crime Prevention Sundae


Board Contact Info


Guide for Reporting a Crime




Holiday Decorations Contest


It is time once again to show our holiday spirit through outdoor decorations.  This year the neighborhood association will be offering prizes for the top outdoor displays in three categories.  The categories are as follows:  Best Display of the Holiday Spirit , The Highest Wattage Display, and Most Original Holiday Decorations.  The neighborhood association will announce the winners at the Holiday Celebration December 16, at 8:30.    Photos of the front runners will be on display on the web site and residents votes will be accepted on the forum or by e-mail to Sam Amsler.  Our web site is, and a link to the webmaster, Sam Amsler, is available from the home page.  Votes received on the forum will account for 50% of the vote.  The other 50% of the vote will come from the Holiday Decorations Committee.  Prizes will be approximately $25.00 in value and include dinner for 2 at Ross’s Old Austin Café for the Holiday Spirit Award, and a gift card from Lowe’s for the Highest Wattage award. 


Protect your property:  Engrave your drivers license number on valuables to identify your property.  An engraver is available for $20.00 at home improvement stores.  A thorough inventory of your belongings is also very helpful when reporting a loss to both the police and your insurance company.



Neighborhood Wide Garage Sale

Plans for a neighborhood wide garage sale are on the January agenda for the neighborhood association.  We are considering a spring date and including maps at the entrance of the homes that are participating in the project.  If you are interested please go to the neighborhood forum on the web site to be involved in the discussion and planning or the event.



Volume 2, Issue 3

North Park Estates News

Crime Prevention Sundae Recap

On October 26th, 2003 approximately 50 residents attended a general meeting concerning neighborhood crime prevention.  At this meeting we discussed the recent spike in criminal activity in our neighborhood.  The string of burglaries on Eubank and North Bend included three separate burglaries the most recent was stopped in progress by the home owner.  All of these burglaries have been during the day are 60% of all home burglaries.  Auto burglaries were also reported along with checks (outgoing bill payments) stolen from mailboxes and the “washed” or altered and cashed.  Most residents at the meeting agreed that a neighborhood watch or some sort of organized effort was needed to protect our homes.   We discussed trying to walk the neighborhood during the day, specifically between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. when thieves expect  to find homes empty and keeping a notepad near the door to take notes on suspicious activity. We also talked about wearing an armband or specific color to distinguish residents from non-residents when walking.  One neighbor pointed out that many of us are leaving our car or cars in the driveway and risking a $10,000+-investment and protecting $50.00 worth of junk filling our garages.  All of the suggestions were worth considering.  Most of these issues are covered in a Neighborhood Watch program.   Neighborhood watch is a crime prevention program that enlists the active participation of residents to:  recognize and report suspicious activities, use crime prevention strategies at home, and communicate with each other.  A neighborhood watch could be an extension of our neighborhood association due to the common interest.  Block captains would distribute the newsletter and flyer to their block and act as a representative for their block.  We have block captains for many of our street, but still need volunteers for the following streets; Hunt Ridge & Hunt Ridge Cir., Minda & Minda Cir., North Bend (Austin Park to Eubank), Circle Bend, and Apollo.  If you live on any of these streets, and are willing to deliver newsletters and flyers to your street and act as a representative for your block or half of your block, please contact Jessica Currie at 832-2139.


We have asked Austin Police Department to provide a representative for our Holiday Celebration to brief us on Neighborhood Watch tactics.

North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association

P.O. Box 81395

Austin, TX 78708

We’re on the web at

A Guide for Reporting Neighborhood Crime

It sounds easy, but unfortunately  only about half of all crimes are reported.  Eyewitness information is the key to solving many crimes.  Here are a few tips from The Neighborhood Watch Guide, produced by Farmer’s Insurance. 

·         Call the police immediately.  Five minutes could make a difference.

·         Be prepared with vital information, What occurred?  When?  Where?  How Many Suspects? What was said?  What did they do?  What did they Take?  Where did they go?  Are there any other witnesses, and how can they be contacted?

·         Consider the following  questions for a suspect description:  Male/Female?  Weapon?   Race?  Age?  Height?  Weight?  Hair Color?  Hair Length?   Style?   Eye Color?  Glasses?  Face?  Complexion?  Mustache?  Beard?  Mask?  Tattoos?  Scars, Marks?  Speech/Accent?  Distinguishable gait, limp?  Bag/Backpack?  Clothing color? Shirt, pants, coat, hat, shoes, jewelry? 

·         A complete vehicle description includes:

License State, and Number, Make, Model, Year, Body Style (2 door, convertible?) Color, and Identifying hub caps, wheels, dents, scratches, bumper stickers or decals.

·         Remember that all calls to the police must be prioritized based on apparent danger to human life due to limited personnel.  Even if they can not respond immediately the information you provide may help solve the crime.

·         Wrong  information is worse than no information



                2003-04   Board Of Directors

                David Nuhn           President               834-4166

                Larie Amsler          Vice President       836-7673                             

                Sam Amsler           Secretary                8367673

                Jessica Currie       Treasurer                832-2139

                Members At Large

                Carol Fritz                                              837-6835

                Maria Mayer                                         339-0738

                Louis and Gene McCoy                       836-5289

                Tom and Nancy Miner                         873-8682

                Dale and Greta Sellers                         339-6221

                Bob and Virginia Young                      837-6287

                A. J. Walker                                           836-0203


911  &  311

      Emergencies    Non-Emergencies

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