Unite Our Neighborhood

Thanks to Jessica Curry
North Park Estates National Night out flyer:
North Park Estates NNO 2004

Check out photos of block meeting neighborhood night out 8/3/04: Photos of Block Parties
Check out links page to Austin American Statesman "This is Austin - and Surrounding Communities", published July 28, 2004.
NPE comment page links to "This is Austin"

The "21st Annual National Night Out" (NNO), a unique crime/drug prevention event sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW), was held Tuesday, August 3, 2004 and NNO was celebrated by North Park Estates with seven block parties.

NPENA Board meeting on July 27th approved some financial support for NNO block parties.  The block captains and others are encouraged to lead his/her own street as "NIGHT OUT 2004 team."   Join us in becoming better acquainted with one another.  Knowing your neighbors is one of the components to support a safe neighborhood.

Neighborhood Night Out (NNO) is held every year the First Tuesday in August.  National Night Out, "NNO" promotes local anti-crime programs such as Neighborhood Watch. Residents do not need to be involved in any type of Neighborhood Watch to participate in the NNO; Residents are encouraged to organize block parties to strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships." from <http://www.nationaltownwatch.org/nno/>


A group of neighbors have made some suggestions.
If you have any input, join in on the neighborhood forum:  discussion board for neighborhood or contact David Nuhn, President 834-4166 or email David

  1. Open house/s. House (s) chosen to be open for viewing. (If several houses open, each house would offer different food items--salads, sandwiches, cookies, cakes, sausage balls, Hawaiian meat balls, tortilla soup, corn chowder, etc., etc. Hostess would decide and neighbors/friends would supply food. Come and go say from 1-5 on a Saturday afternoon.

  2. House decorating committees.(possibly with items made for sale)

  3. Food committees

  4. Clean-up committees

  5. When: Should we really forge ahead this year on such short notice, or plan something around Valentines Day or Easter (Fancy Hat Parade, egg hunt, open house, etc.) Might learn how other cultures celebrate.

  6. Rummange sale, bake sale could be combined later in the spring.

  7. Teen Activities Do we have teens who would be willing to set up a little band and play

  8. Block decorations: We need some of the men to take care of the "candy canes"things (if you want them) or small Christmas trees to be decorated for everyone. Trees can be initially decorated all the same; and may change in future years. Garden Ridge has candy canes or lighted candy cane stakes on sale for $.99

  9. Inexpensive program: The purpose is to have a really nice program without spending a lot of money

  10. Drop box for neighborhood improvements: I recommend placing a locked donation box at each home, with a guest list to be signed. Contribuions will be applied to the candy canes, trees, etc. Perhaps each family who participates can be given a certain set amount of money for decorations/food. Anything over and above will go to the Neighborhood Safety Fund.

  11. Candy cane decorations: I have seen the candy canes for $.59 at Big Lots but small and cheap. Maybe we could check Garden Ridge. We could price making them from PVC pipe and a U joint. I think they would need a stake or a smaller piece of pvc with the end cut at an angle to install them in the yards. Or we could suggest in the newsletter that everyone try to get one for his or her yard and put it up Thanksgiving weekend. Those that do not put one up could receive one as a "gift from a neighborhood elf" on their porch. A note attached could suggest that any thank you should be sent in the form of association dues or a gift to the neighborhood association for neighborhood projects. On a small street with good participation a willing neighbor could pick up a few extra to fill in their block. We might try to do something nicer on North Bend because it is our main street. We could also think about bows on mailboxes instead, or a street-by-street theme.

  12. Neighborhood wish list notepad: Each place funds are raised, a Notepad be available inviting suggestions to invite each participating to make an entry in the "neighborhood wish list" book for use of optional funds.

  13. Young Families: What if we had a party between Christmas and New Years and tried to combine the neighborhood watch information session, the holiday decorations awards, and provided an inflatable moon walk or slide for the kids? More people will come if there is entertainment for their kids. We have really good participation from our seasoned residents but the fact that only 3 kids were present at our Crime Prevention Sundae suggests that we aren't reaching the residents with younger families. If we planned this for a weekday evening during the school Holiday we would probably have quite a few families who would be glad to have the an entertainment option for their kids as well as the crime prevention information, and we could get the rental for 1/2 price on a weekday

  14. Neighborhood garage sale to be combined with annual picnic or other activities such as neighbor's night out. The proceeds could be used to neighborhood improvements and special gatherings such as block watch meetings.

    These ideas described above are ideas discussed by several families in the neighborhood.

    We invite input from anyone who has suggestions that encourage neighbors getting to know their neighbors.  The North Park Estates Neighborhood Board Meetings will be focusing on this list for discussion in future board meetings.

    Join the NPENA forum and participate in this discussion, contributing your thoughts as to these ideas and add your own ideas to the list.   Paricipation will be key to our success as a friendly and secure neighborhood.
Mailbox: SAMTEX
All comments are welcome

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