December 16, 2003

Neighborhood Holiday Season Social Gathering Notes


North Park Estates Neighbors gathered at Johnson’s place on 11301 Eubank.  Approximately thirty adults and ten children attended the Christmas season meeting.  From seventeen families that signed in, most appeared to be neighbors that were not apparently members of NPENA.  The sign in sheet listed eleven new names and phone numbers, eight of which provided e-mail addresses.


David Nuhn opened the meeting with focus on need for neighbors to get acquainted.  Two Officers presented a Video on Neighborhood Watch, followed by response to questions.  The video presented details of how to organize a neighborhood watch and helpful suggestions in looking after neighbors’ interests.  (Those details will be presented on Security page of web site when available).  One of the points illustrated was Block Captains maintaining profile sheets of families, with emphasis on need to know daily habits of neighbors and telephone contact numbers for use in emergency.


The police officers attending the meeting were James Hellums, Senior Police Officer, Northwest District Representative and Gizette Gaslin, Senior Police Officer, North Central District Representative.  Both provided a business card indicating address, phone, and internet addresses.  Copies of these cards are displayed on NPENA web site security page:


Of special interest was the announcement by Officer Hellums that any incident that draws suspension warrants a call to 911.  Officer Hellums advised not to confront strange persons but call 911 if suspicion of wrongdoing.  After the fact calls of any incident should be reported by dialing 311.  Officers stressed that neighbors were the eyes and ears as extension of the police Department and anything suspicious, being out of the ordinary, should be reported.


The police officers emphasized that North Park Estates is located in "IDA Sector" with North Border at Palmer Lane, East Border at I-35, West Border at Mopac, and South Border at Anderson Lane.


Holiday decorations were judged and winners who received prizes were:


1.  Highest wattage display: First house on right when entering NPE at Lamar entrance on North Bend.

2.   Most original:  Dan Ruiz at the northwest corner of Circle Bend and North Bend.

3.  Holiday spirit.  Georgen’s house on northeast corner of North Bend and Eubank.


Photos of the winners, as well as other images of lighted homes will be on display from a link on the home page of NPENA Web site and will be available using naviagation button “Dec16event”  at



The following e-mail was transmitted to the families who signed in at the December 16th meeting:


Re:  If you are receiving e-mail notice as result of providing your e-mail address at this meeting, welcome!  If that is the case, your name has been added to e-mail distribution list for special neighborhood notices.  We also encourage you to use the web site forum,


The following was extracted as summary of the meeting on security page:


The December 16th Neighborhood gathering in conjunction with Holiday decoration contest focused on neighborhood security.  Two Officers presented Video describing Neighborhood Watch organization.  Neighbors met neighbors at this social occasion. 

Two representatives of APD, Officers James Hellums and Gizette Gaslin answered questions and emphasized the need for the neighborhood community to be the eyes and ears for police officers.  Officer Hellums advised not to confront strangers, but instead call 911 when noticing any suspicious activity.  After the fact of an incident, call 311.  The police officers emphasized that North Park Estates is located in "IDA Sector" with North Border Palmer Lane, East Border at

I-35, West Border at Mopac, and South Border at Anderson Lane.




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