North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

Tuesday, sept 27, 2005


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association included: Members present

President- David Nuhn
Vice President-Larie Amsler
Secretary- Sam Amsler
Members at Large-
A.J. Walker
Dale Sellers

Gene & Lou McCoy

Wes & Mary Allen


Absent Members:

Treasurer-Jessica Currie
Preston & Shirley Cook
Nancy Miner

Carol Fritz

Gretta Sellers

Pat Huffstutler



Board meeting was held at David Nuhn's home Tuesday August 27.Attendance indicated above.


The President, David Nuhn, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.



Call to Order.


  1. Minutes of July 27: Motion to accept was seconded and approved. All members have access to minutes from web site by selecting Board Minutes in menu at top of home page
  2. Treasurer report will be presented at next meeting.
  3. Discussion followed on National Night Out and general observation was that combining several streets appeared to work out for the best and recognition was given that attendance was good.
  4. Sign Committee Report by Mary Allen.  Owners´ written approvals were received for replacing entrance signs. The next step is to present plans for approval of the city.  A detailed report will be presented at the general meeting in October.
  5. Decision by board resulted in scheduling next NPENA general Meeting on Saturday, October 22th and announcement will be circulated to neighborhood soon. Motion was made, seconded and approved to budget no more than $150 for the association to provide drinks, meat, and ice, with neighbors asked to bring covered dishes and desserts. Three locations for the general meeting were discussed and decision on location will be published in an October newsletter.


  1. One of the agenda items for the general meeting was agreement that the outgoing president, David Nuhn will review events and progress of NPENA during the year. The incoming president, Dale Sellers will present his expectations for the coming year. Gene McCoy will make the announcement as to results of election of new officers and members at large from the slate presented and voted upon at the May general meeting.



Board meeting dates are located at:


Archived Board minutes can be reviewed at:




9/28/2005 11:19:01 AM

extract for election of officers:

A discussion followed on election of slate of officers nominated by members at large for 2005 beginning in October.� Motion to elect officers from nomination slate was seconded and approved by members present as follows


President- Dale Sellers
Vice President-Jessica Currie
Secretary- Mary Allen

Treasurer-Larie Amsler
Motion to elect members at large was seconded and approved by members present for:

A.J. Walker
Gene & Lou McCoy
Wes Allen

Preston & Shirley Cook
Carol Fritz

Gretta Sellers

Pat Huffstudler



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