North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

November 18, 2003


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association including:

President- David Nuhn
Vice President-Larie Amsler
Secretary- Sam Amsler
Treasurer-Jessica Currie
Members at Large-
Dale Sellers
Greta Sellers

Carol Fritz
A.J. Walker
Maria Mayer
Nancy Miner


Members at Large absent:

Tom  Miner
Bob Young

Virginia Young
Louis & Gene McCoy


Board meeting was held at Seller’s home Tuesday November 18th.  Attendance indicated above.  


The President, David Nuhn, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Old Business:


The Board agreed to review minutes as posted on web site.  Minutes of September 30, 2003 were approved as posted on web site.


New  Business:


1.    Progress of web site acknowledged.  “Unite Our Neighborhood – Ideas page” with fourteen ideas is included in November 18th agenda for discussion.


2.       Jessica Currie gave Treasurer’s Report showing balance of $1,322.51.  P.O. Box rental of $50 paid for six months rental.  Maria Mayer made motion, which was seconded and passed that the association be placed on waiting list for downsizing the mailbox for a less expensive rate.


3.      North Park Estates Neighborhood Association Newsletter scheduled for delivery before Thanksgiving weekend.  Jessica Currie discussed contents of Newsletter draft and Board discussed ideas on input.


  1. Unite Our Neighborhood “ideas”:


David Nunn introduced the main topic the “Unit our Neighborhood - Ideas” campaign, which is a chronological order list that started with the Defoor family and other’s joining in.  Discussion followed on neighborhood block gatherings


Larie Amsler suggested that a flyer for meeting include space for name, address, telephone, e-mail, and comments section for use when the groups meet.  The comments can be read for the group and provide attendance.  (Extra copies can be made available for this purpose at the meeting). 


Carol asked about the report of October meeting and was advised   that it was a report of meeting and not formal meeting minutes.


Larie Amsler mentioned that LaFloors wanted rotation from house to house.  She expressed concern about parking.  She also mentioned Walt Esqiovel’s suggestion for band.  She stated that her preference was to have everything in one place.  David Nunn responded that in other open houses, which included groups of four or five families, refreshments were served at alternate locations, providing opportunities for neighbors to move around and talk to different people. 


David Nunn described his view of  “satellite open houses” in which each street organizes it’s own open house while others joined in by providing refreshments, etc.  Jessica Currie asked if we are looking at two or three blocks rather than entire neighborhood.  David Nunn suggested having a couple of streets organize a gathering inviting the entire neighborhood.  Decision about the type of gathering can be described in the newsletter.  One concept offered was for each house to provide different kinds of refreshments.  Those who do not have open houses may then bring refreshments to the open houses.  Greta Sellers suggested hot coco, ciders, and other refreshments at different houses.  David Nunn suggested incorporating December open house visitation with judging neighborhood lights, describing time and location in the Newsletter.  David Nunn suggested following up on additional open house events further along in 2004. 


Carol Fritz suggested placing street barriers for visitations on participating streets.


Jessica Currie proposed an inflatable plays cape for children as encouragement for younger families.  Jessica Currie will make arrangements for inflatable playscape.  Ideas for neighborhood holiday party continued with emphasis on getting police involved, and obtaining permission of neighbor on the street where gathering is planned. Alternate locations were discussed for the neighborhood gathering.  The newsletter will suggest that neighbors walk the neighborhood on the scheduled night to view decorated homes.  Winners will be announced at 8:30 p.m. on that night.  Jessica Currie will include notice in newsletter that half the votes will be obtained from the web site forum and remaining by the board members.  


Prizes will be awarded to the winners in holiday decorations for the three categories that will be announced in the newsletter.


1)       Highest wattage display

2)       Most original

3)       Holiday spirit. 


Larie Amsler made the motion that association fund $150 for inflatable landscape for the children and for other related expenses associated with the neighborhood gathering for December 16th.  Discussion and motion seconded and passed. 

*Date for neighborhood gathering is scheduled for December 16th starting at 6:30 pm with awards presented for three categories of decorated homes at 8:30 p.m. at end of Circle Bend.  Larie Amsler will contact neighbors on street for permission to use end of Circle Bend for this neighborhood gathering. 


  1. Holiday Season prizes for home decorations:


Jessica Currie was able to get nearby businesses to provide prizes for neighborhood holiday decorations.


  1. Neighborhood decorations:


David Nunn emphasized the need to start these initial neighborhood gatherings slowly.  In addition, board will continue referring to “Unite Our Neighborhood - idea” list at subsequent meetings.  Board agreed on PVC candy canes will be used as holiday decoration to identify the neighborhood.  The candy canes may be purchased at Home Depot and Garden Ridge.  David Nunn’s expressed need to start the tradition, and in time it will catch on throughout the neighborhood.  Jessica Currie suggested leaving candy canes for some neighbors with note that canes are donated compliments of neighborhood association.


  1. Neighborhood-wide Garage Sale:


David Nunn commented that board would pursue the “Unite Our Neighborhood – Ideas” list at subsequent board meetings.  Jessica Currie suggested neighborhood block gatherings twice a year.  In January meeting board will discuss when to hold the next annual meeting.  Larie Amsler suggested that the annual meeting be conducted in conjunction with a neighborhood garage sale.  Jessica Currie suggested a map locating all the garage sales and those neighbors having garage sales might offer 10% of proceeds to Neighborhood Association for neighborhood events.  David Nunn suggested using web site for coordinating garage sale.  Discussion followed regarding posting of garage sale signs.


  1. Vacant unattended home on Apollo.

Dale Sellers contacted the city environmental engineering regarding vacant unattended house in the neighborhood.  Dale’s call was not returned.



  1. Jessica Currie announced names of block captains for delivery routes of the newsletter are expected to serve in neighborhood watch:


Jessica Currie reviewed the list for the board.  These block captains volunteered at October gathering.  Jessica Currie will include in the Newsletter where the neighborhood association needs volunteers as Block Captains.  Note that list of streets with block captains and streets needing block captains will be posted on web site.  Sammy Amsler mentioned Block Captains Manual available for $5.95 each with $2.95 shipping.  A.J. asked that he be placed on the list for one copy.  Sammy Amsler will inquire in e-mail distribution list as to any others that would like to place an order for the manual


Next Board Meeting is schedule for January 27 6:30 P.M., located at Maria Myers residence, 1107 Rebecca, Phone 339-0738.


** Regular board meetings for next year are scheduled fourth Tuesday every other month, i.e., January 27, March 23, May 25, July 27, September 28, and November 23.


Larie Amsler made the motion to adjourn, which was seconded and passed with meeting ending at 7:47 p.m.



Board Minutes submitted by:  Sam Amsler-Secretary, 11/20/03. Corrected 11/23/03*



Corrections to Board Meeting Minutes above as follows:

*Item No. 4 above: Unite Our Neighborhood “ideas”: (Correction)


Date for neighborhood gathering is scheduled for December 16th starting at 6:30 pm with awards presented for three categories of decorated homes at 8:30 p.m. at end of Circle Bend.  Larie Amsler will contact neighbors on street for permission to use end of Circle Bend for this neighborhood gathering. 


Date for neighborhood gathering is scheduled for December 16th from 6:30-8:30 P.M., located at south End of Eubank at Old Braker Lane.  No street barriers are needed since the gathering will take place on the vacant lot south of the Johnson's home. 

Awards to be presented for three categories of decorated homes at 8:30 p.m. Larie Amsler confirmed permission from the Johnsons for this Neighborhood gathering.


** Board Meetings scheduled


Regular board meetings for next year are scheduled second Tuesday every other month, i.e., March 23, May 25, July 27, September 28, and November 30.



Regular board meetings for next year are scheduled fourth Tuesday every other month, i.e., January 27, March 23, May 25, July 27, September 28, and November 23.


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