North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

Tuesday January 24, 2006


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association included: Members present

Board Officers

President- Dale Sellers
Vice President-Jessica Currie
Secretary- Mary Allen
Treasurer-Larie Amsler

Members at Large
A.J. Walker
Lou & Gene McCoy

Pat Huffstutler

Wes Allen

Carol Fritz


Sammy Amsler

Guillermo Rosales



The Board Meeting was held at Dale and Greta Sellers' home Tuesday, January 24, 2006. Attendance indicated above.


 Call to Order.


The President, Dale Sellers, called the meeting to order and passed out the agenda.




1. The Minutes of the last meeting were on the website and those who had reviewed them approved them.


2. Larie Amsler then gave the Treasurer's Report.


Entrance Sign Balance


Flower Fund


Dues Fund




TOTAL (Larie's)




A. J. Walker moved that the report be approved. Lou McCoy seconded. It was approved.


3. The Entrance Sign Committee reported that recently the Variance Department of the City of Austin had been totally unwilling to consider the variance we need to put the new proposed Entrance Signs in or near their current location. They require that we put them much deeper into the lots - locations which are not at all acceptable to us and to the landowners. Therefore after a Sign Committee meeting to determine what to do next, the city's Sign Ordinances were read online, and it was determined that perhaps redrawing the plans to make the signs only 30" above the level grade of the ground, and having a total square footage of 128 square feet, might satisfy the city, according to Article 25-10-191 Sign Setback Requirements. (Our current signs' low parts on which the words are, are from 15 3/4" high to 32" above ground level - which is unlevel. The combined square footage of our previously proposed signs was 156 square feet.) Gene McCoy moved that we try that, and Jessica Curie seconded that, and that course of action was approved. If that approach fails, it was agreed that we will appeal to the City Council for what we want. Failing that technique working, we can probably get a permit to maintain our current signs at their current locations. However, since we have raised money to build NEW signs - with a sturdy foundation, we want to exhaust all avenues to do that before resorting to disappointing all of our neighbors by just maintaining the 40 year old signs which have come into disrepair.


4. Dale Sellers showed the group the real estate type signs which had been purchased for placement in the medians to house temporary signs regarding neighborhood events, such as meetings and neighborhood garage sales. The signholders were quite acceptable to all. They cost $17.32 each.


There was no other old business.





1. Guillermo Rosales, a close neighbor of our neighborhood, reported that the northeast corner of Braker Lane at Parkfield has been sold to NW Petroleum. This company has requested a Conditional Use Permit from the City of Austin and is proposing the construction of a Church's fried chicken restaurant and a Shell gas station/convenience store combination. Discussion was unanimous that this type of business at that location is undesirable and unacceptable to us as a neighborhood association. Guillermo provided a sheet of information on it with website addresses at which further information may be obtained. The link to the case information is:

The application document is at:

For more information, one can contact Nikki Hoelter, Case Manager at 974-2863.


2. A Neighborhood Watch Group meeting was discussed next. It was decided that Jessica Curie will get out a flyer to homes on those streets or parts of streets which need a Block Captain, asking for a volunteer from each area to assume that job. A special meeting of Block Captains will then be held and plans will be made there to have Block Captains try to update or create a list of those living in their area, and to encourage small group social activities so that neighbors can get acquainted with one another better. The overall goal is to be able to protect ourselves from "the criminal element". Perhaps a Police Department representative will be invited to the special meeting, to give direction to the process. Many good ideas were suggested to create neighbors getting better acquainted with each other.


3. The Neighborhood Spring Garage Sale was discussed, and it was decided to hold it on April 22nd.The signs used last year can be easily modified for this date. Advertising in the newspaper and in Craig's List was considered.

4. The May meeting and picnic was scheduled for May 6th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


5. Carol Fritz informed the group that Connie Groce, aged 94, had passed away recently. Carol and Larie Amsler will discern from Connie's family whether it is most desirable to send flowers to Connie's Memorial Service or to give another type of memorial gift from the neighborhood association.


6. Larie Amsler brought up the fact that the wooden fence along Braker Lane had been damaged recently by a trailer that had gotten loose and run into it. She intended to call the City of Austin and asked them to repair it. (The day after the meeting, she did this and a work crew came out that very day and appeared to work on it. Larie found out that the City did not get into the budget for 2006 the money to replace that fence, so will continue to repair it this year as needed.) 


7. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.




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Minutes Revised 12/31/2005 20:01:04