North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

Tuesday, February 03, 2004


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association including:

President- David Nuhn
Vice President-Larie Amsler
Secretary- Sam Amsler
 Members at Large-
 Dale Sellers
 Carol Fritz
 A.J. Walker
 Nancy Miner

 Louis & Gene McCoy


Members absent

Treasurer-Jessica Currie
Tom  Miner
Maria Mayer
Greta Sellers

Bob Young

Virginia Young


Board meeting was held at David Nuhn’s home Tuesday February 3, 2004.  Attendance indicated above.  


The President, David Nuhn, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Old Business:


  1. The Board approved minutes of November 18, 2003 as posted on web site.
  2. Larie Amsler read the Treasurer’s report for Jessica Currie.  Total dues from last meeting was $10.  Out of $150 for playscape, $52.50 was returned to bank account.  Current Bank Balance is $1,466.99
  3. McCoy’s suggested when planning decoration prizes for 2004 that special award signs be posted in yards of the winners.
  4. Discussion on block captains resulted in agreement that streets without block captains be published in Newsletter.  (Block Captains Manuals are available for $5.95 each with $2.95 shipping.)  AJ Walker made motion for NPENA to allocate up to $50 to purchase Block Captain Handbooks.  Motion seconded and passed.
  5. Discussion followed that boundary of NPENA is not extended to cul-de-sac at West end of Space Lane.  A.J Walker mentioned that Neighborhood boundaries were designated by sub-division.
  6. Neighborhood signs were discussed.  A.J. Walker recommended using Real Estate signs with painted Neighborhood identification and magnetic letters for description of nature of meetings (place, date and time).  Carol Fritz to inquire about approval for signs and determine specifications for size of approved signs based on rules established by the City of Austin.
  7. David Nuhn emphasized purpose of meetings is to unite the neighborhood.



New  Business:


1.        Garage Sale.  Motion to publish advertisement of neighborhood garage sale in newspaper.  April 17th from 8 to was suggested for date and times.  Next Board meeting of March 23rd will include item in agenda to finalize advertisement.  Discussion followed on asking those participating in neighborhood garage sales to volunteer contributing a nominal amount to cover advertising and signs.   Later discussion suggested that any excess from volunteer donations for garage sale advertising be designated for use of memorials/flowers for neighbors who pass on.

2.        Spring Meeting.  May meeting date is expected mid May after Mother’s day weekend.  Date for this annual meeting will be announced in newsletter.

3.        Larie Amsler described light out on main entrance on Lamar.  The light pole with burned out light is on the south side of North bend at Lamar/ North Bend street entrance.  The city number to call to install new light bulb is  505-7617

4.        Larie Amsler described breaks in pickets of fence on Braker Lane was responsibility of Streets and Bridges, phone 974-1000.

5.        Larie Amsler mentioned that tree trimmers in area are attaching ribbons on trees under power lines for removal or trimming.  Green Ribbons are tied to trees/shrubbery that are to be removed with red ribbons for those that will not be removed.  Name for contact is Austin Utilities Forestry, 844-7324. Alex Redmond, is responsible for the marking and trimming of trees under power lines.  A.J.Walker described “spark gap”, as the critical space between power lines and tree limbs that are at risk during lightening storms.  Spark gap between lines and trees is approximately 10 feet for normal power line.  7K volt probably needs 15 feet clearance for spark gap.

6.        Dale Sellers posed question about street stoplight located at Lamar/North Bend that allows for only three cars to exit North Bend.

7.        Dale Sellers posed question of Oracle allowing water source for cleaning neighborhood entrance sign.  Dale has equipment to do the job, but needs a water source.

8.        A.J. Walker mentioned the passing away of Mrs. Johnson’s son.  Mrs. Johnson has been most obliging in use of her property and that the neighborhood association should provide memorial flowers. 

9.        Larie Amsler made a motion to allocate maximum of $35 from association funds to purchase memorial flowers for Johnson’s.  A. J. Walker amended the motion to establish a fund to be used for funerals and other things for home people living in our Neighborhood .  (This will allow the board of directors to consider other things such as Births, or People who get sick.) Motion seconded and passed. 

10.    Dale Sellers made motion to adjourn, which was seconded and passed.


Next meeting is scheduled for March 23, 2004


Minutes submitted by:  Sam Amsler-Secretary


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