North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 28, 2004


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association included:  Members present

President- David Nuhn
Vice President-Larie Amsler
Secretary- Sam Amsler
Treasurer-Jessica Currie
 Members at Large-
Carol Fritz

A.J. Walker
 Louis & Gene McCoy

Members absent:

Dale Sellers
Tom  Miner
Maria Mayer
Greta Sellers

Bob Young

Virginia Young
Nancy Miner



Board meeting was held at David Nuhn’s home Tuesday August 28, 2004.  Attendance indicated above.  


The President, David Nuhn, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Old Business:



  1. Call to Order/ Introductions
  2. Treasure’s report:  Jessica Currie presented treasurer’s report stating account balance as $1,138.11, which includes $154.00 as flower fund balance.  Larie Amsler presented motion to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion was seconded and approved.
  3. President’s Report: 
    1. David Nuhn testified at Zoning and Planning Commission on 9/21/04.
    2. David advised Board that on October 21st the City Council will consider zoning change on property on North Lamar approximately where Ross restaurant is located.  Currently, area is zoned DR and there is a proposal to rezone as GR which would allow any business to be put any business on the  property.  Rezoning for LO, as limited use, is the board’s view as the best option for the neighborhood.
    3. A petition will be circulated along Eubank since that area that will be most affected by type of business that will be located on referenced property.
  4. Consideration of Name/Bylaw Change: 
    1. Jessica Curry made motion to change name of Association from North Park Estates Homeowners Association (NPEHA) to North park Estates Neighborhood Association (NPENA).  Motion was passed
    2. Jessica Curry made motion to present by-laws draft for the general meeting on October 23rd.  Motion was approved and draft will be available on Web site in two weeks.  Voting on accepting the draft will be placed on agenda for annual membership meeting.
  5. Election of Officers:  Members at large will present a slate of nominations of officers for next year and members may also make nominations from the floor.
  6. Entrance sign:  Motion was made and approved to present plan for replacing the entrance sign and include notice of special fund raising for this purpose in the next Newsletter.  A.J. Walker and Peterson will prepare design for new entrance signs for consideration of members at the October 23rd meeting. 
  7. Next meeting scheduled is the annual general meeting/picnic on October 23rd at 11:00 A.M.  At 11:15 a speaker from Office of Emergency Management will also provide handouts for family disaster plan, etc.
  8. Motion made to adjourn was seconded and passed.




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