NPENA Minutes October 23, 2004


NPENA general meeting/picnic:


North Park Estates Neighborhood Association members counted as 27 adults and two children attended the Annual Picnic held at Mrs. Johnson’s place on 11301 Eubank. 


Larie Amsler, Vice President, in the absence of David Nuhn, opened the meeting with introduction of Amber king, City of Austin Office of Emergency Management.  Amber distributed material and discussed city’s role in case of any disaster and what individual families may do to help in a crisis.


Treasury balance dated of 10/1/04 is $1139.88 in General fund, $114.00 of which is designated as flower fund.


  1. Motion was made to accept current board slate for another year, which was seconded and approved by those present.  Wes and Mary Allen volunteered to serve as members at large.
  2. Discussion followed on Petition to City for change in name from North Park Estates Homeowners’ Association to North Park Estates Neighborhood Association.
  3. Discussion followed on “C14-04-0133 - LAMAR VENTURES OF PARTNERSHIP, By: Crocker Consultants (Sarah Crocker), 11800 North Lamar.  (Walnut Creek).  FROM DR; LO; GR-CO TO GR. ALTERNATE RECOMMENDATION: GR-CO; LO- CO. City Staff: Sherri Gager, 974-3057.”  On October 22, the city council held hearing on the subject and our neighborhood  association deferred to Walnut Creek Neighborhood Association representative to speak on the subject.  Decision was deferred by city for two weeks.  NPENA concern is that if zoned as GR any business will be allowed on the site.  A.J. Walker discussed need to fight against a GR zoning.  A.J. mentioned also that nothing would be allowed to be built within 200 feet of the creek.
  4. A.J. Walker presented a concept for the entrance sign, which has been damaged.  The two entrance signs are on city property, but NPE has been allowed to have entrance signs at entrance of North Bend and Lamar.  However due to damage of the sign, the neighborhood needs ideas on repairs or replacements.  Mary Allen presented motion to create a committee to improve or replace entrance sign, which was seconded by Tom Miner.  Motion approved by all present.  The entrance sign committee members who volunteered were the Sandra and William Alley, Tom Miner, and A.J. Walker.
  5. A.J. Walker presented the draft of NPENA bylaws.  Tom Miner proposed that bylaws start by stating “formerly North Park Homeowners’ Association…”  Final action of day was motion to accept the Bylaws as reviewed and noted above, after an attorney reviews the Bylaws.  Motion seconded and approved.






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