North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association included:  Members present

President- David Nuhn
Vice President-Larie Amsler
Secretary- Sam Amsler
Treasurer-Jessica Currie
Members at Large-
A.J. Walker
Gene McCoy
Wes & Mary Allen

Members absent:

Carol Fritz

Dale Sellers
Tom & Nancy Miner
Dale and Greta Sellers



Board meeting was held at David Nuhn’s home Tuesday November 23, 2004.  Attendance indicated above.  


The President, David Nuhn, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.



Call to Order/Introductions


Old Business:

Motions to accept General meeting Minutes of October 23, 2004 and Board Meeting of September 28, 2004 were made, seconded and approved.


Report on Bylaws tabled for next meeting.

New Business;


  1. Treasure’s report:  Jessica Currie presented treasurer’s report stating account balance as $1,110.78.   Larie Amsler presented motion to approve treasurer’s report.  Motion was seconded and approved.
  2. Entrance Sign: 
    1. Correction of General Meeting minutes to include Wes and Mary Allen on entrance sign committee with Sandra and William Alley, Tom Miner and A.J.Walker making up the membership of the committee.
    2. The committee for the NPENA Front Entrance Rebuild will  select a chair from the appointed group at the first meeting.
    3. Discussion followed on alternatives for funding replacement of both entrance signs on North Lamar and North Bend.
  3. Discussion followed on City zoning for the property on North Lamar.
  4. Discussion followed on suggested contents of newsletter for announcements of holiday season events and neighborhood gathering.
  5. Motion made and seconded to budget $40 for prizes recognizing three catagories of holiday home decorations. 
  6. Committee consisting of Jessica Currie  and Larie Amsler to propose time and place for neighborhood  holiday event as a get together for input from neighbors on how to raise funds to replace North Park entrance signs.
  7. Scheduled dates for Board Meetings in 2005 and annual meeting are as follows:  January 25, March 22, May 14 (Annual Picnic/Meeting), July 26, September 27, November 22. 
  8. Amslers will host the first meeting on January 25, 2005 and other Board members will be surveyed for hosting other board meetings scheduled for 2005.
  9. Next meeting scheduled on January 25th at 6:30 P.M. at the Amslers located at 1000 Space lane.
  10. Motion made to adjourn was seconded and passed.



Board meeting dates are located at:


Board minutes can review at:


Working copy of Bylaws may be reviewed at:


Note:  Minutes corrected as to selection of Chairman for Entrance sign Committee. Reference: Paragraph  2.b.



Revised 11/29/2004 9:36:52 AM

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