North Park Estates

Neighborhood Association board minutes

tuesday november 29, 2005


The Board of Directors meeting of the North Park Estates Neighborhood Association included: Members present

Board Officers

President- Dale Sellers
Vice President-Jessica Currie
Secretary- Mary Allen
Treasurer-Larie Amsler

Members at Large
A.J. Walker
Lou & Gene McCoy

Pat Huffstutler

Wes Allen

Absent Members:

Preston & Shirley Cook

Carol Fritz

Greta Sellers

Sammy Amsler


The Board Meeting was held at Dale and Greta Sellers¹ home Saturday, November 29, 2005. Attendance indicated above.


 Call to Order.


The President, Dale Sellers, called the meeting to order and passed out the agenda.




1. The Minutes of the last meeting were on the website and all but one member present had reviewed them. They were approved.


2. Larie Amsler then gave the Treasurer's Report.


Beginning balance


1 year Post office box rent


Variance fee for City of Austin


Balance on 11-29-05




Flower Fund balance


Dues balance


Entrance sign fund


Total Balance


 Next, we compared the list of contributors along with their contribution amounts for the Entrance Sign Fund with the intention of determining those who would be eligible for the bricks with their names engraved on them for having donated $100 or more, at the base of the south entrance sign. Dale Sellers wants to spend a Saturday calling those who have donated some but less than $100 to ask them if they would like to donate an amount to get their total contribution up to $100 so they too can be eligible for an engraved brick. It was decided to not set a deadline for the contributions since after the construction is completed there can always be improvements in the landscaping around the signs which additional monies can go towards.


3. The Entrance Sign Committee reported that recently the City of Austin had not approved the original plan submitted, therefore a $360.00 fee had to be submitted to them to request a "variance" for size and location of the signs. The engineer is expected to submit the paperwork and check for the variance this week.


4. Dale Sellers thanked the Decorations Committee for their work including determining the categories of prizes to be given for yard holiday decorations.


5. Vandalism, (broken glass and a kicked in hubcap) and inappropriate driving behavior in the neighborhood was discussed and solutions were suggested.


6. The proposed signs in the medians of each entrance to the neighborhood and their boxes or containers was discussed. It was decided that the least expensive option would be to buy a 4' X 8' sheet of corrugated weatherproof sign material for $6 to $8, cut it up into appropriate sizes and try writing on it with Magic Marker, hoping the Magic Marker will come off with alcohol without ruining the sign material. The sign would then be slid into a real estate type sign, which Dale Sellers will look into buying. The legs of the real estate sign would fit down into pvc pipes that have been sunk into the ground to hold the sign legs. Wes Allen suggested that the legs be fastened to the pvc pipe with holes driven through the sign legs and the pvc pipe and a lock or some sort of bolts, nuts and/or washers type thing be installed - to protect the sign framework from being stolen.






1. E-mail update list - A note is prepared to go into the next neighborhood newsletter encouraging all who want to be added to the NPENA e-mail list to send their e-mail address to Sammy Amsler at the website address requesting this.


2. The Holiday Newsletter rough draft was submitted by Jessica Currie and it was thoroughly discussed and edited. The Holiday Party it will announce is to be on Tuesday, December 20th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Dale & Greta Sellers' house. Gene McCoy and Pat Huffstutler are the committee to plan this occasion. Thorough discussion was given about who would ask which local businesses to donate gifts or gift certificates to be given as prizes for the best decorated yards. Clear plastic bags with holes in them to put on door knobs, around 20,000 for $20.00, were brought to our attention by Dale Sellers, and it was agreed to buy them to put the newsletters on doors.


4. Dale noted that he had trouble opening pdf files on the NPENA website, so he requested that Sammy Amsler stay after the meeting and help him figure out a remedy to the problem.


5. The calendar for future board meetings through 2006 was discussed, and the dates are noted on the upcoming newsletter. It was decided to change the meeting times to 6:30 p.m. during months school is in session and to 7:00 p.m. when school is out.


6. Neighborhood watch was the final pre-planned agenda item. We all want new signs up at the entrances so it will look as if neighborhood watch is not a forgotten issue in this neighborhood. Also, at the next Board Meeting Dale Sellers wants the Block Captains invited and he wants them to be given new materials if they need them, and ask them to go door-to-door again updating their lists of names and numbers of residents living in each household. We discussed Children at Play and speed limit signs, but A. J. Walker explained that the City of Austin approval must be obtained for those - after proving their need.


7. When Dale asked for other New Business, Gene McCoy asked about the interest in another neighborhood garage sale in the spring. It was decided to put that on the agenda for the January 24, 2006 Board Meeting.


A motion to adjourn was made and seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.







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