General Membership meeting




The North Park Estates Neighborhood Association picnic was held at 1106 Gemini Drive.Dale Sellers called the meeting to order on Saturday, May 6, 2006.



        Board meeting minutes from March 28th were passed around and approved as presented.

        Budget report given by Larie Amsler.

New Business:

A. Entrance Signs.

AJ Walker gave update on entrance signs, stating we cannot rebuild in same location because City has adopted different regulations and restrictions.We are waiting for consent from property owner on the north side before starting construction.

We need to have people verify names before putting on bricks.


B. Shell Station at Parkfield and Braker.

Dale Sellers discussed his attendance at the City of Austin Conditional Use Zoning Hearing, stating the commission denied the drive though on a 6 to 2 vote.

Walt Esquivel stated the victory is only temporary because the agent can appeal the ruling, which, if granted, will go before the City Council.Walt called the Shell Texas distributor, Northwest Petroleum, who told him 60% of their business is from the drive through.If Northwest Petroleum does not build a Shell at the location, another gas distributor may.

AJ Walker suggested we contact neighborhood-friendly medical office businesses to locate on the property. There was discussion and decided we contact Braker condo association and church about helping circulate next petition. Pursue (1) no 24-hour operation (2) no fast food and (3) no alcohol.

Please call Dale Sellers for volunteer opportunities.


C. Gemini Drive on the other side of Austin Park Lane residences have asked to become part of NPENA. Dale will get petition to Robin Carlin for circulation.


D. Officers for next year were nominated and elected:

President, Dale Sellers

Vice President, Mark Farver

Secretary, Mary Allen

Treasurer, Sammy Amsler

Members at Large: Larie Amsler, Jessica Curry, Walt Esquivel, Carol Fritz, Pat Huffstutler, and Gene & Lou McCoy




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Minutes Revised 1:51 AM 5/19/2006